Home » Cortina, Lorenzi leaves the Board of SeAm, in the future the race for mayor

Cortina, Lorenzi leaves the Board of SeAm, in the future the race for mayor

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Cortina, Lorenzi leaves the Board of SeAm, in the future the race for mayor

“As you well know, a few months after taking office I had pointed out that the modus operandi of the majority group was deviating from what was the spirit of sharing that had seen us united in the Administrations”, he writes in the letter of resignation

CORTINA. Gianluca Lorenzi resigns as director of the company Se.Am. A little more than two months before the administrative elections, the former majority city councilor, then moved to the SE. Am. As Cortina Marketing manager, she essentially discovers his cards.

Gianluca Lorenzi is now given as a probable candidate for mayor in the next elections, and therefore “inevitably” he must present to the mayor Ghedina his resignation from the Board of Directors of the Municipality subsidiary. “As you well know, a few months after taking office I pointed out that the modus operandi of the majority group was deviating from what was the spirit of sharing that had seen us united in the Administrations”, writes Lorenzi in the letter to Ghedina, “On that occasion I sent you a letter from me, trying to involve the whole majority group in order to realign ourselves in the common goal, unfortunately without having any effect. With the passage of time, some new features have been added that have seen me having to further revise my expectations. After various discussions to try to be proactive and give my support to the “Cortina system”, it was decided to join the board of directors of the subsidiary, in order to follow Cortina Marketing. Together with the new Board of Directors we have activated a collaboration with the director of “Best of the Alps” and made some changes to the marketing plan. We have created, in collaboration with the economic categories, a strategic plan of the locality that has never received feedback either from you or from the junta. In 2020 we made the Administration aware of the renewal of the Cortina Marketing service contract, which would expire at the end of 2021. in order to be prepared before its natural expiry; but, despite this, in November 2021 we received a note from the offices that we should have provided for the formulation of an economic proposal that was timely towards the legislation; and I do not hide from you that this further extension has caused strong discontent on the part of the employees of the office. But, again from a constructive point of view, I worked together with the Board of Directors to find professionals who could support the company in formalizing this request which is taking shape today. Therefore, serene in having done what I can, but sorry for his attitude towards my suggestions, I confirm what is in question ». –

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