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Ambrovit Garlasco goes to Forlì to try another bang

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Ambrovit Garlasco goes to Forlì to try another bang

Coach Angelescu’s team has just returned from a proud victory in Cesena Scoring points today is crucial in the complicated sprint to avoid relegation


It is a week of tour de force for the two women’s B1 teams from Pavia who, after having faced two long trips to the Romagna midweek for recoveries, are now back on the field immediately, again in Romagna and exchanging their opponents. Thus the Ambrovit Garlasco, fresh from the proud comeback victory in the fifth set in Cesena for two very heavy points in the salvation race, today at 17.30 will be on the field of Bleuline Libertas Forlì who is in full swing for a place in the playoffs for the promotion in Serie A2 (referees Andrea Pentassuglia and Federico Scarpuglia from Bologna).

he coaches

«Two very precious points for the classification and a satisfying victory for our team, perhaps not so much for how it was obtained, but for the emotions it gave us after all this difficult period. We had been arriving for very complicated weeks in which it was difficult to train, both due to the small number and the health conditions of the girls », says coach Madalina Angelescu on the sidelines of the blitz in Cesena. «In Forlì, in a tough match against an excellent team, square and constant, as always, we will try to give our best and give it our all. I want to see the hunger on the pitch and that strong character that brought us a smile in Cesena ». Scoring points today would be a very decisive step in an always complicated sprint to save himself, possibly avoiding the playout, also because now the Ambrovit has the decisive month ahead, that is four residual regular season rounds to be concluded by April 29 interspersed with important recovery of the championship at home, on Easter Saturday, which is a direct clash with Conad Alseno Alsenese. First, however, there will be the tough away match on Saturday in Forlì and another match at home with Rivalta from Reggio Emilia and, after, two final trips to Ostiano and Certosa. Colombo Impianti Certosa, already mathematically relegated to Serie B2, will be on the field at 17.30 in Cesena against Elettromeccanica Angelini (referees Andrea Lobrace and Antonio Testa from Milan).

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Group D, nineteenth day: today (5.30 pm) Bleuline Libertas Forlì-Ambrovit Garlasco, Elettromeccanica Angelini Cesena-Colombo Impianti Certosa; (6 pm) Tirabassi & Vezzali Campagnola Emilia-Esperia Cremona; (8.30 pm) Fos Wimore Cvr Rivalta of Reggio Emilia-Csv Ra.Ma. Ostiano, Fumara Miovolley Gossolengo-Emilbronzo 2000 Montale; tomorrow (5.30 pm) Csi Clai Imola-Conad Alsenese Alseno. Classification: Emilbronzo 2000 Montale points 43; Bleuline Libertas Forlì 38; Esperia Cremona 37; Csi Clai Imola 32: Csv Ra.Ma. Ostiano, Electromechanics Angelini Cesena 29; Tirabassi & Vezzzali Campagnola Emilia 23; Ambrovit Garlasco, Gossolengo 20; Alseno 18; Rivalta Reggio Emilia 15; Colombo Impianti Certosa 2. (Campagnola Emilia three games less; Rivalta di Reggio Emilia two games less; Montale, Cremona, Csi Imola, Cesena, Ambrovit Garlasco, Gossolengo, Alseno one game less). –

Fabio Babetto

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