Home » New health card, it will arrive at your home: the details of the change

New health card, it will arrive at your home: the details of the change

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New health card, it will arrive at your home: the details of the change

The new health card for all citizens is coming. Let’s find out what are the changes made in 2022.

The health card changes appearance. Let’s see what are the most important innovations introduced by the evolution of the card.


The new health card has been distributed since March 1st. Citizens who requested a personal document after that date were able to verify the changes in the appearance of the card. Symbols and the graphics are different, this is what you notice at first glance. Indeed, the revolution involves more the appearance of the card rather than its functionality. Let’s find out, then, what were the changes decided and made by the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

New health card, what you need to know

With a decree at the end of March, the Ministry of Economy and Finance announced the disbursement of one new health card which, in reality, takes place from 1 March 2022. The card remains a personal document small size that is used to access the performance of the National Health Service and allows you to identify your tax code. In addition, the health card has acted as a National Service Card since 2011, proving to be essential for access to various services of the Public Administration. It is useful, for example, to activate the SPID.

As for the changes made to the new document, let’s get started by the absence of the logo of the Region of residence. The symbol was previously placed at the bottom of the front of the card, now it has been removed. We continue reporting the words in Italian and German for citizens residing in the autonomous province of Bolzano. Where the names include graphic symbols in addition to letters, they will be inserted on the new health card two lines in columns which will report the name with diacritics and the name with traditional symbols.

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Other details of the document

The front of the document will contain tax code, name and surname of the holder, expiry date of the card, gender, municipality and province of birth, date of birth and three letters in Braille format standard six points corresponding to three letters of the tax code of the holder. The part where the logo of the Region is found in the old cards is empty in the new health card while at the bottom of the front you can see a rectangle under the heading “Regional health data”.

Moving on to the back, the new document contains the European Health Insurance Card with information relevant to healthcare in a country of the European Union; a magnetic strip with the data of the holder, the identification of the form, the fiscal code in Bar code format; the initials of the state issuing the card; the personal data of the holder (name, surname and date of birth), the personal identification number and the identification number of the institution and the card identification number.

We conclude with the duration of the validity of the new health card. Remains the same as the old one, six years. For the new born it will be necessary to renew it after a year.

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