Home » Many discard this April fruit thinking it is too sweet, yet it would lower blood sugar and would be recommended for diabetics

Many discard this April fruit thinking it is too sweet, yet it would lower blood sugar and would be recommended for diabetics

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Many discard this April fruit thinking it is too sweet, yet it would lower blood sugar and would be recommended for diabetics

Some sugary-tasting fruits aren’t actually bad for your health at all, even if you have diabetes. This is the case of a sweet and juicy delight to be enjoyed in April. Let’s find out which one.

The fruit of April with many beneficial properties

The arrival of spring invites us to enjoy fresh products full of health benefits. For example, in April a fruit that would help lower cholesterol and drain the body returns to the market. But the real queens of spring are obviously strawberries. As experts explain, a 100-gram serving of these fruits provides only 27 calories. At the same time, strawberries are full of vitamin C and minerals (calcium, phosphorus, sodium and iron). In addition, they contain many substances with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Thanks to these molecules, strawberries could help slow down aging and help keep the intestines and eyes healthy. In short, the reasons to taste strawberries are not lacking. They are excellent natural, or to prepare a very easy and cheap cake. However, many wonder if it is possible to eat strawberries even when suffering from diabetes. Here’s what the scientific studies suggest.

Many discard this April fruit thinking it is too sweet, yet it would lower blood sugar and would be recommended for diabetics

People with diabetes are known to pay attention to certain fruits, such as persimmons, grapes and bananas. Many might think that strawberries, given their very sweet taste, fall into the category of foods to avoid. In reality this is not the case. In fact, strawberries could first and foremost contribute to the prevention of type 2 diabetes, since they help control blood sugar levels. Furthermore, scientific studies suggest that the substances present in strawberries would be very useful for those already suffering from diabetes.

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In short, many discard this April fruit thinking that it makes their blood sugar skyrocket. On the other hand, the substances present in strawberries would help to counter the cardiovascular problems associated with type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, strawberries would lower blood sugar after meals. Of course, these fruits alone do not work miracles. They must be included in a healthy and balanced diet, such as the Mediterranean one. Also, don’t forget the importance of constant physical activity.


Other than lemons, in April we sow this fruit with double the vitamin C which could also detoxify the blood

(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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