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Pavia, direct salvation increasingly complicated Academy in progress

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Pavia, direct salvation increasingly complicated Academy in progress

Too many missed opportunities, the Azzurri almost condemned to play out The red and white made better, the direct clashes will be decisive


The internal draw with Rhodense almost completely cancels Pavia’s chances of avoiding the play outs. Five rounds from the end of the regular season the Azzurri are, in fact, at -4 from the Gavirate-Accademia Pavese duo, fighting to avoid the fifth to last position, which they occupy pairs at an altitude of 26 behind the Calvairate who precedes them at 28 and certainly cannot be quiet. Pavia and Rhodense at 22 have behind them the Base 96 Seveso (21) and the Settimo Milanese (11), now destined to be relegated to the Promotion. It should be remembered that the play outs will be played between the two paired teams according to the expected formula (fifth-last-second-last and fourth-last-third-last) only if the gap between the two is less than 7 points.

Today the Academy would be virtually safe because in the event of a tie on points with Gavirate it would have the advantage of success in the two direct clashes, while the save play-offs (first leg matches, home of the worst classified, and back) would put Gavirate up against. -Base 96 Seveso and Pavia-Rhodense.

The weight of direct confrontations

But in the last five days there are still many direct clashes. Among the teams competing to avoid the play outs, the Accademia Pavese aims at 3 points for Settimo Milanese tomorrow afternoon (3.30 pm), while next Sunday it will be Gavirate’s turn to visit the rear end already dead. On Easter Monday (Monday 18) two other salvation challenges: Academy-Base 96 Seveso and Rhodense-Gavirate. On April 24 (recovery of the 2nd return), penultimate engagement of the regular season, the Academy will host the Rhodense, while on the last day (Sunday 1 May) Rhodense-Base 96 Seveso is scheduled. Among these teams, therefore, only Pavia has exhausted, and wasted, the opportunity to score heavy points in head-to-head clashes, obtaining only 4 points in 5 matches with Gavirate, Accademia, Base 96 Seveso, Settimo and Rhodense. Above all, the 3 points left on the field of Cinderella Settimo weigh heavily. From tomorrow to May 1st, therefore, the last 5 days in which anything can still happen, except for an unlikely direct salvation from Pavia. –

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Enrico Venni

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