Home » Cucchi case, trial on misdirection: 8 carabinieri sentenced. Ilaria: “I’m in shock”

Cucchi case, trial on misdirection: 8 carabinieri sentenced. Ilaria: “I’m in shock”

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Cucchi case, trial on misdirection: 8 carabinieri sentenced.  Ilaria: “I’m in shock”

Rome, 7 April 2022 – The conviction for the eight carabinieri accused of having put in place misdirection after death of Stefano Cucchithe surveyor deceased in the hospital in 2009 after drug arrest. Thus also ended this last chapter of the very long judicial affair, which in recent days had led to the definitive sentence of Alessio Di Bernardo and Raffaele D’Alessandro, who will have to serve 12 years in prison for Pre-Intentional Murder.

Today, the judge of the Court of Rome issued eight other convictions for crimes, disputed in various capacities and ranging from fake, aiding and abetting, failure to report and slander. The highest penalty – sentenced to 5 yearsbut the prosecutor had asked for 7 – it was inflicted on the general Alessandro Casarsa who, at the time of the events, was in command of the Carabinieri Group of Rome.

I’m in shock. I didn’t think he would ever come this day. Years and years of our life have been destroyed, but today we are. And the people who were the cause, the perpetrators, were condemned “. It is the first hot comment of Ilaria CucchiStefano’s sister who, with painful tenacity, managed to see the end of a long and tearing legal matter.

Proximity to family members by the General command of the weaponwhich reaffirms the “firm and absolute commitment” to always act “with rigor and transparency“, Especially towards its own members. “Today’s sentence of the trial that saw eight military defendants for events connected with the management of investigations in the context of the procedure”Cucchi-to have’reawakens the deep pain of the weapon for the loss of a young life ”, they let it be known from the headquarters in Rome.

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“We renew all our closeness to family members once again. The sentence, albeit at first instance, ascertains conducted away from values ​​and principles of the weapon”, Underlines the General Command of the Carabinieri.

The long trial: the most important stages of the Cucchi case.

Stefano Cucchi

Affirmation of criminal responsibility and conviction of all the accused. Quthis is the sentence issued by the single judge Roberto Nespeca in the trial sui misdirections following the beating and Stefano’s death Cucchi, the 31-year-old Roman, arrested on 15 October 2009 and died seven days later at the Sandro Pertini hospital. The decision came later eight hours of council chamber. The colonel Lorenzo Sabatino sentenced to 1 year and 3 months to the colonel. Convictedi Francesco Cavallo e Luciano Soligo a 4 years, Massimiliano Colombo Labriola a 1 and 9 months, Luca De Cianni a 2 years and 6 months. Francesco Di Sano sentenced to 1 and 3 months, Titian Army head a 1 and 9 months, Lorenzo Sabatino a 1 and 3 months. Il verdict was read in the bunker room of the Rebibbia prison.

Immediate reactions of the accused, who in these hours of silence speak through the mouths of their lawyers. “The sentences are respected and not commented on. Casarsa faced the trial with serenity.
We await the reasons before deciding what to do. “The lawyer says so Carlo Longaridefender of Alexander Casarsaat the time of the events commander of the Rome Group, condemned by
judge Roberto Nespeca a 5 years of imprisonment at the end of the trial on the misdirection related to Stefano’s case Cucchi.

“We did not expect this decision, we believe that this ruling is a judicial error“, says the defender of the colonel Lorenzo Sabatino, the lawyer Adolfo Scafati. A penalty was decided against the officer of the Arma one year and three months of imprisonment.

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“We are guaranteed to the last, we hope there is no longer a need for expensive teachings “. The reaction to the convictions of Massimiliano Zetti, the general secretary of the New Carabinieri union (Nsc). “I followed the trial and I had my idea – says Zetti -, we always respect the sentences and also in this case we respect them. I am struck by the fact that the heaviest punishments are for those who covered positions of command“, Zetti continued, according to whom” it was not fair that they only had to pay for the last wheels of the wagon “.

“We are guaranteed to the last, the sentence is not final, will certainly be appealed and there will be other judicial episodes – underlined Zetti -. At the moment I feel like saying that what we have seen and read is not pleasant “.

Among the many investigations that have marked these years, there is also an investigation into the role of prison police officers. “Mi was expecting the convictions after a first trial against the prison police and doctors revealed that they had nothing to do with it “, he continued.” Of course – observes the secretary of the NSC – the positions are diversified, Di Sano and Labriola (two of the defendants ed) were the last of the chain and they had to follow orders and if you receive an order that does not constitute a crime it is clear that you must carry it out. the I hope everyone can prove their innocence“. For the weapon, concluded Zetti,” I hope there is no longer a need for other lessons to be paid at a high price “.

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“I have a tattoo reminiscent of Stefano Cucchi, his story has remained so impressed on me that when I was at the police station I thought about him ”. Leonardo Di Francesco, the 23-year-old beaten by a policeman in Foggia, said this to the radio microphones. “The story of Cucchi it saddened me, also because I suffer from anxiety and seizures like him. I wanted to tattoo a symbol: I have an S with a heart tattooed on the hand “.

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