Home » Cyber ​​security, a national hub is born in Sardinia

Cyber ​​security, a national hub is born in Sardinia

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Cyber ​​security, a national hub is born in Sardinia
Councilor Valeria Satta

Resolution of the Solinas junta, the headquarters will be in Cagliari

CAGLIARI. A national cyber security hub based in Cagliari. The birth is foreseen in a resolution approved today 7 April by the Solinas Council. The goal is to more effectively combat the cyber threats that increasingly occur against public and private information systems. «A great result – according to the councilor of General Affairs Valeria Satta – which guarantees greater security to the entire territory. The Polo will be able to collaborate with all the institutionally competent subjects in contrasting the increased exposure to cyber threats and the repression of computer crimes, from universities to law enforcement agencies “. Furthermore, “ample space will also be dedicated to the Academy for cyber security, which will have the task of training and making those who work in the central public administration, municipalities and local authorities aware of the risks inherent in the use of information technologies”.

The initiatives of the Executive also provide for the establishment in Sardinia of the “Cyber ​​Crisis Unit” which will have the task of formulating proposals and recommendations regarding the main critical issues in the IT security sector, adopting measures to protect regional digital infrastructures from possible cyber risks arising from contingent situations, intervene promptly and effectively in the event of a cyber attack and interface with the National Cybersecurity Agency (ANSA).

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