Home » Fimmg: “It is serious not to have involved general practitioners”

Fimmg: “It is serious not to have involved general practitioners”

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Fimmg: “It is serious not to have involved general practitioners”

08 APR

“We should point out to the organizers of the event that they have ignored the representatives of the doctors of the area. As stakeholders, perhaps the most entitled to talk about the reform of the Territorial Emergency System. Unless we are theorising and proposing a territorial system without doctors ”. This is what the national secretary of the Fimmg-Emergenza Sanitaria denounces, Francesco Marino.

“Because you look – he continues -, at this point I speak as a citizen, and I do the small change, in the Hospital Emergency Departments about 4,000 doctors will be missing with retirements. Over 3,000 will be missing in the area, with a graduate school in MEU offering 1,500 places for postgraduates (this year, because previous years were much less) of which many are not employed. It will take four years, assuming that all the posts banned are confirmed and filled, to recruit only the current shortcomings. If we then consider the duration of the specialization, the last group will be formed in eight years. In the meantime, however, it must be explained to the citizens, the ones who are truly damaged by a short-sighted and short-sighted planning policy, responsible for the current situation that has made the National Health Service a sector of our society not in need of due attention and investment “.

“Perhaps – he notes – it would have been more correct and profitable to try to understand why there are no doctors and nurses who choose to work in the emergency sector, both territorial and hospital: it is time to understand the causes of this lack of professional figures. The Territorial Health Emergency does not need commanders or generals looking for a command post. It needs soldiers, who are the ones who face the enemy in battle, the suffering of the citizens on the territory. The real stakeholders of a system that should be efficient, professional, with an advanced rescue vehicle with the three territorial emergency professionals on board (ie doctor, nurse and driver-rescuer). Only with these three figures can help be given to citizens in a state of need “.

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“Otherwise, and speak clearly for once, if you want to offer a service without emergency doctors on board the ambulances in the area, tell the citizens clearly”, he concludes.

08 April 2022
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