Home » A number of provincial medical teams in Shanghai have successively stationed in makeshift hospitals to join hands to fight the epidemic_News Center_China Net

A number of provincial medical teams in Shanghai have successively stationed in makeshift hospitals to join hands to fight the epidemic_News Center_China Net

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A number of provincial medical teams in Shanghai have been stationed in makeshift hospitals

Enrich the medical force to fight the epidemic together (pay attention to various epidemic prevention work)

Our reporter Qiu Chaoyi

A difficult one, P Plus support. At present, medical teams from Anhui, Zhejiang, Hubei, Jiangsu and other provinces have entered many makeshift hospitals in Shanghai. How is the progress of the medical team in Shanghai? How is the condition of the new coronavirus infected person after admission? How do medical staff treat? Reporter conducted an interview.

Do your best to protect your health

In the past 24 hours, Chen Mingwei, director of the Fangcang shelter hospital of the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, Shanghai Chongming Flower Expo Fuxing Pavilion, has only rested for less than 4 hours.

“In the early morning of April 4th, the Fangcang shelter hospital where I was located officially admitted patients. Today is the fifth day.” As the team leader, Chen Mingwei has to enter the Fangcang shelter hospital for ward rounds and consultations, and is also responsible for the management of the entire team. , coordination and security work. Chen Mingwei introduced: “It takes less than 48 hours from receiving a task to receiving a patient. Under the leadership of the temporary party committee of the Anhui Provincial Medical Team for Shanghai Aid, the team and I have appointed people and positions, clarified responsibilities, conducted on-site research, and finalized the process. Good hospital infection prevention and control training, formulate emergency plans, and create conditions for winning the tough battle of epidemic prevention and control and preventing medical staff from being infected.”

“A family in Anhui and Shanghai”. Knowing that he was going to send people to support Shanghai, Chen Mingwei asked the Party Committee of the First Affiliated Hospital of An Medical University, and brought the most elite backbone—a team of 160 people. The team was led by the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, and was jointly organized by 16 hospitals, including more than 120 nurses and more than 20 doctors. Many medical staff have participated in the medical aid work in Hubei, with rich experience and strong combat effectiveness, and specially mobilized 6 hospital infection prevention and control experts to help the medical staff, police officers, cleaning and other staff of the Fangcang shelter hospital to do professional training. “We have also set up a number of party member demonstration posts to give full play to the leading role of party members and undertake the most difficult and difficult tasks.” Chen Mingwei said.

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Combining the practice in the makeshift hospital in the past few days, Chen Mingwei said that it is completely correct that our country adheres to the general strategy of “foreign import, internal rebound” and the general policy of “dynamic clearing”, which is truly people-oriented. The degree of infection is high, and the incidence of chronic underlying diseases is high. Omicron is not the so-called ‘big flu’. For high-risk groups, once infected, they may face life-threatening. Therefore, we need to strengthen classification and classification monitoring and management, Get the epidemic under control as soon as possible.”

“At the moment, in the face of the severe and complicated situation of prevention and control and the rapidly increasing number of infected people, we must strengthen our confidence. With the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, the inspiration of the great anti-epidemic spirit, and the strong support from medical teams in Shanghai from all over the country, I believe that Shanghai will definitely be able to overcome the immediate difficulties and win the tough battle of epidemic prevention and control.” Chen Mingwei said.

Pour care in care

At 4:30 in the afternoon, Wang Liping had just eaten a few mouthfuls of instant noodles. This was a simple “lunch” after she walked out of the makeshift hospital.

Wang Liping is the head nurse of Zhejiang Provincial People’s Hospital. Today, she and more than 1,500 Zhejiang medical team members are working hard in Shanghai Lingang Fangcang shelter hospital to serve patients with all their might.

As the saying goes, “three points of treatment, seven points of nursing”, which shows the importance of nursing work. Wang Liping’s medical team has 150 people, including 119 nurses. There are 14 nurses in each group, serving more than 600 patients. Although most of them are asymptomatic infections, the job of nursing is still not easy. Every day, nurses walk more than 20,000 steps per person. When they take off their protective equipment, they can see sweat all over their bodies, red and swollen ears and deeply indented nose wings. “This is a tough battle, and we are mentally prepared,” Wang Liping said.

Nursing not only pays attention to the body, but also to psychological comfort. “Many people infected with the new crown virus feel anxious, and we need to pay attention to them in time and pay attention to listening.” Wang Liping said, “After a person infected with the new crown virus moved in, he kept calling. We took the initiative to ask and learned that he was in his 80s. The old father stayed at home and suffered from epilepsy, which made him very worried. We rushed to get in touch with the community where his family lives to help his father and relieve his worries.”

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The care for people infected with the new coronavirus is reflected in all aspects of the work of the Zhejiang Medical Team in Shanghai. “Before each infected person comes in, we must evaluate and understand the medical history and other conditions. Protecting their life safety is always the first priority.” Deputy Director of Zhejiang Provincial Health Commission, President of Provincial People’s Hospital, Zhejiang Aid to Shanghai Ge Minghua, the chief leader of the medical team of the cabin hospital, introduced that while providing treatment services, medical staff also pay attention to popular science explanations for infected people, which effectively relieves everyone’s anxiety and enhances their confidence.

It is reported that the medical team of Zhejiang Aid Shanghai Fangcang shelter hospital was ordered to form on March 30 and completed on the evening of March 31. On the evening of April 1, it began to assist Shanghai in batches to fight the new crown pneumonia epidemic. The medical team consists of 10 medical teams with a total of 1,555 members, including 258 doctors and 1,220 nurses.

Pay attention to the role of traditional Chinese medicine

“I rushed to the hospital to report to the hospital the night before, prepared materials, and then went to the train station at 6 am the next morning and went straight to Shanghai.” Recalling the scene when he set off a week ago, Xiao Mingzhong, captain of the medical team of Hubei Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said, “Two A few years ago, Shanghai supported us, and now we have to top it.”

On April 6, the Hubei medical team took over the medical mission of Shanghai Xinguobo Fangcai Hospital. Xiao Mingzhong and 23 hospital colleagues entered the W1 cabin to work. “Each cabin here can accommodate about 1,500 beds at most. At present, more than 1,300 people infected with the new coronavirus have been treated, and the work is intense and orderly.”

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How is the condition of the new coronavirus infected patients? Xiao Mingzhong introduced that the shelters are mainly those with mild and asymptomatic infections. Some people show symptoms such as fever, cough, and sore throat, but their condition is generally stable.

“Believe in medical staff, believe in the role of traditional Chinese medicine.” These are the words often heard in makeshift hospitals. “Are you from Hubei?” Mr. Liu just came to Shanghai, but unfortunately his whole family was infected. He didn’t know where he lived. In addition, he was worried that his condition would worsen. He was so anxious that he couldn’t sleep for several nights. When he saw that “Hubei Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine” was written on Xiao Mingzhong’s protective suit, he was relieved. “Traditional Chinese medicine has played a big role in the fight against the epidemic. I believe in you. Now I can sleep well.”

After the fight against the epidemic in Wuhan, the prominent role of traditional Chinese medicine is well known to more people. Today, Xiao Mingzhong and his colleagues are also trying their best to implement a variety of traditional Chinese medicine treatments during the shift: the use of “Sanfang” Chinese patent medicine Huashibaidu granules; Shu points to treat cough; teach patients infected with the new coronavirus to gently scrape Dazhui points to treat fever; lead everyone to practice traditional exercises such as “Ba Duan Jin”, which are loved by many people.

In the prevention and control of the epidemic, practice has repeatedly proved that traditional Chinese medicine has obvious roles and advantages in accelerating the conversion of positive patients to negative, and strengthening follow-up rehabilitation. “In the fight against the epidemic in Wuhan, in the face of so many critical challenges, the coordinated operation of Chinese and Western medicine has achieved good results. Now, in the makeshift hospital in Shanghai, the treatment with Chinese characteristics is more mature, and we will do our best to protect the new crown. Virus-infected patients provide effective and more convenient Chinese medicine services to help everyone recover quickly.” Xiao Mingzhong said.

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