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Cjarlins Muzane-Moras is goodbye: the coach has resigned

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Cjarlins Muzane-Moras is goodbye: the coach has resigned

The choice, consensual between the parties, came after the defeat of Montebelluna with the coach who submitted his resignation to president Vincenzo Zanutta. On the bench his deputy Niki Pradolini

PUG. Massimiliano Moras is no longer the coach of Cjarlins Muzane. The choice, consensual between the parties, came after the defeat of Montebelluna with the coach who submitted his resignation to the president Vincenzo Zanutta who, after a first attempt to reject them, was forced to accept them.

A choice in the air already from Saturday when the coach had launched clear accusations about the behavior of some players, urging the company to intervene. «He has resigned his mandate – the words of Vincenzo Zanutta – telling us that he can no longer lead the team. I therefore accepted my resignation in the hope that the locker room will be back together ».

Team entrusted, for this championship final, to Niki Pradolini, who was Moras’ assistant coach. “It was difficult to find a coach for only six games – concludes the president -, we needed a man who already knew the team, so the internal solution seemed the most logical to me”.

Therefore, he has the task of changing the face of a team that, in 28 games, has won 36 points, leading Moras to close his second carlinese experience prematurely.

«After the last performances – the words of the now ex coach – I would say that my choice is perhaps late, but right. I thank the president, even in the last interview he proposed to continue, but a change was needed because the situation was bad. The objectives to be achieved were other, just pay the coach. With the president, mind you, there will always be an excellent relationship ».

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The one who, on the other hand, had worn out with some players, including Pignat with whom on Saturday, at the time of the substitution, there was a heated verbal confrontation.

«We have already clarified – continues Moras – they are matters of the field. Now the future counts and I am happy with the choice of Pradolini, a boy who deserves this role. The players no longer have the coach’s excuse: they can demonstrate their potential ».

Starting from Thursday when, in the home round with Campodarsego, Cjarlins Muzane will play the first of six finals that will have to lead to salvation. The goal, now, cannot be different.

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