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The bishop of Treviso meets 800 young people: “Let’s change to give dignity to your work”

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The bishop of Treviso meets 800 young people: “Let’s change to give dignity to your work”

The meeting was held in the gymnasium of the Votive church. On Sunday for the first time since the pandemic, the procession for the Palms returned

TREVISO. A prayer vigil with work at the center. For many years on the eve of Palm Sunday the young people of the diocese have met with the bishop for a moment of prayer in view of Easter. An occasion that this year was designed outdoors, in Piazza delle Istituzioni, but that bad weather has moved to the gymnasium of the Votive church. Over 800 young people participated.

Some of them went up on stage to bring a testimony between music, songs and dances by “Musmente orchestra” and Asd Urban dance: Ludovica, who told of the initial difficulty in keeping her working life in the company united with the affections; Simone, who studied as a chef but is now on layoffs; Hardeep, Indian, who talked about his entrepreneurial experience and advised young people to turn a passion into a job or work into their passion; and then Elvis, a Nigerian, who thanks to the project “Refugee at my home ”he was able to build his life here, with a job that allows him to be“ safer and free and to support his family ”.

“If we base this society of ours solely on competition, merit, competition, there will be more and more those who will not have a job, a decent job”, said the bishop Michele Tomasi. “But to make it different, if we really want it, we can start it.”

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On Sunday for the first time since the pandemic, the Sunday procession was held Palme. The beginning in Piazza Duomo, with the blessing of the olive branches. The reading of the gospel of the Passion and death of Jesus was followed by the homily of Bishop Michele Tomasi, who, referring to the war, expressed a long series of reasons, asking himself why “we do not make choices of life, but of death Because we do not understand “the sterility of an existence that kills the righteous, expels all honor, thinks it is just and destroys the green wood.”

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