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Murder Armelin: “I didn’t want to kill him, we knew each other”

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Murder Armelin: “I didn’t want to kill him, we knew each other”

Boumarouan from the prison of Santa Bona provided his version of the crime that took place in Pieve di Soligo on 25 March: «The situation has precipitated. I went back to the house to untie it “

PIEVE DI SOLIGO. Adriano Armelin and Mohamed Boumarouan knew each other, the Moroccan had repeatedly rang the door of the boarding house, who gave him some money when he could. It was the same to say it Boumarouan who from the prison in Santa Bona, assisted by the lawyer Filippo Viggiano, decided to provide his version of the facts to the Deputy Prosecutor Giulio Caprarola, after he had made use of the right not to answer in the validation interrogation before the investigating judge Gianluigi Zulian.

“I didn’t want to kill him,” said the 36-year-old. Yet on March 25, when Adriano Armelin’s son arrived at his father’s house in via Schiratti 85, he found him lying on the ground in a pool of blood, with his skull smashed. A difficult condition to explain even with the dynamics of one robbery, given that at 83 and unarmed, the pensioner could probably have done little to stop Boumarouan. And this was one of the aspects that the 36-year-old, who is accused of the attempted robbery and the manslaughter, tried to clarify yesterday.

“It was a litigation ended badly. There was an argument and he fell hitting his head, then he fell on his face again, “he told the Deputy Prosecutor. But this is not enough to explain the fury of which the carabinieri found the signs under the stairs of the house in via Schiratti. «The situation has precipitated. I pushed it. He told me to go away, he fidgeted and I tied him up ”, is the version provided by the suspect.

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Mohamed Boumarouan also confirmed that he left Armelin’s house and after the attack and returned. “I came back because I wanted to untie it, but the son had arrived and I ran away, ”he said. The sequel is known: the escape from the first floor, the fall from the shed and the suspicious neighbors who stop him and keep an eye on him until the arrival of the carabinieri, without knowing yet what Boumarouan had just done. The rest tells of a few hours of agony in the hospital, until Adriano Armelin died the next morning.

The reconstruction of Mohamed Boumarouan would therefore confirm, according to his lawyer, that there was no robbery. “Nothing has disappeared from the apartment,” said the lawyer Viggiano. The reconstruction provided by the 36-year-old would also explain why the carabinieri found no signs of burglary in the house: the two knew each other and Armelin. retired craftsman, he would open the door for him. “It helped me, giving me some cash if I needed it. He wasn’t the only one in town to do it, ”Boumarouan reported in the interrogation.

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