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The new supercomputing gurus in Milan

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The new supercomputing gurus in Milan

The first master’s degree in Italy dedicated to high-performance computing and its multiple applications in the various scientific-technological domains is born at the Politecnico di Milano.
The course of study, which will welcome the first students in autumn 2022, has a strong interdisciplinary character and aims to train engineers with a solid background in the main IT technologies and architectures for supercomputing, quantum computing and mathematical modeling. -statistics of complex problems.
The training plan was developed in close connection with the industrial world and with supercomputing centers, contexts in which highly specialized figures are increasingly required able to tackle the study of highly complex application problems, from energy sustainability to climatology, from genomics to medicine and pharmacology, from chemistry to finance, from computational biomechanics to aerospace. Supercomputing offers a decisive competitive advantage in the development of new applications, thanks to the powerful simulation tools and the parallelization of the computational load on the high-performance hardware, which allows to greatly accelerate the analysis of large amounts of data, as well as execution of increasingly complex and sophisticated artificial intelligence algorithms.
From this point of view, explains the note from the Politecnico di Milano, the possibility of having a master’s degree with a highly interdisciplinary training, with a vision of the ecosystem of high-performance computing, represents for the sector of information technologies and its multiple applications a great opportunity for the national and international reality.
The multidisciplinary figure of the High Performance Computing Engineer that the Politecnico aims to train is completely new in the Italian panorama, although there are some profiles trained in the international arena, but still lacking in the interdisciplinary skills essential to design supercomputing applications.

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With the activation of the new master’s degree course in High Performance Computing Engineering, the Politecnico di Milano – continues the note – takes up this challenge and aims to fill this gap thanks to the training of professionals capable of combining the most advanced knowledge of computer engineering, including quantum computing, with the skills of applied mathematical, statistical and physical sciences to address and solve emerging complex problems.

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