Home » Finland and NATO membership, Prime Minister Marin: “We want to prevent what is happening in Ukraine from happening to us”

Finland and NATO membership, Prime Minister Marin: “We want to prevent what is happening in Ukraine from happening to us”

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Finland and NATO membership, Prime Minister Marin: “We want to prevent what is happening in Ukraine from happening to us”

Unthinkable until two months before the invasion of Ukraine, now possible and even probable: this week Finland enters the decisive phase of its candidacy for NATO, with the final choice scheduled for the end of June. And now it is inevitable that the concern will reach Helsinki. «Russia – says the Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin, in Stockholm in a press conference with the Swedish counterpart – is our neighbor. We have a long border with Russia and see how they behave in Ukraine. Now it is a war in Europe that we did not want to happen, but unfortunately now it is. Therefore, we must obviously ask ourselves the question of how we can do in Finland to avoid it. “To report these declarations is the Aftonbladet. Marin also talks about the possible risks of the Scandinavian country’s accession to NATO.” There are obviously several risks for which We have to be ready. Threats from Russia such as cyber attacks, hybrid attacks and so on obviously have to be taken into account, “he says.

The white paper of security
A White Paper on the security of the country – which shares thousands of kilometers of border with Russia – will probably be published on Thursday by the government of Prime Minister Sanna Marin, where the consequences of what is happening in Ukraine will be drawn. Commissioned at the beginning of March, the strategic review is the starting point of a debate that will arrive in Parliament and will last several weeks, at a time when the question is posed in similar terms also for neighboring Sweden, also militarily not aligned like Finland.
Finland is a hostile country
‘It is no coincidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin is raising the bar, while international geopolitics experts have been highlighting for days how the conflict could spread and no longer be limited to Ukrainian confions. “Hostile countries are failing to meet their contractual obligations and are destroying the supply chains of the Arctic,” Putin said in a video link to a meeting on economic questions in the Arctic. “As a result of the actions of hostiles, several transport and logistics chains have been interrupted. Some foreign companies are not fulfilling their contractual obligations, “Putin said. Not hiding the difficulties, Putin said he had opened” new possibilities “to send energy resources to countries where they are” really needed. “Finland, as well as Sweden. , Norway, Iceland and the United States had largely interrupted it since the start of the war in Ukraine.

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