Home » Ambush in the night in Naples, a young man killed in a car in front of the B curve of the stadium

Ambush in the night in Naples, a young man killed in a car in front of the B curve of the stadium

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Ambush in the night in Naples, a young man killed in a car in front of the B curve of the stadium

Ambush on Easter night in Naples. A young man was killed in front of the curve B of the Maradona stadium in the Fuorigrotta district. Shortly after 1 am, in piazzale d’Annunzio, just a few meters from the entrance to the football players’ changing rooms, Enrico Marmoreo, 25, was on board his gray Fiat 500 when he was joined by a scooter with two men in the saddle who fired at least seven times. The area is full of cameras and at that hour with several witnesses. The carabinieri intervened on the spot.

The 25-year-old, already known to the police, was hit by at least 8 9×21 caliber gunshots. The investigations into the crime were initiated by the carabinieri of the investigative nucleus of the provincial command of Naples and of the operational nucleus of the carabinieri of the Bagnoli company. The judicial authority ordered the autopsy. Enrico Marmoreo had already been arrested in 2015 for possessing 3 kilos of drugs. According to the investigators, he was one of the young emerging clans of the Fuorigrotta neighborhood. It is not excluded that he was killed in the ongoing feud between the Troncone and the Iadonisi-Cesi.

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