Home » Ten consecutive championships are on the way!Bayern leads Dortmund by 9 points and wins the next round to win the championship – yqqlm

Ten consecutive championships are on the way!Bayern leads Dortmund by 9 points and wins the next round to win the championship – yqqlm

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Ten consecutive championships are on the way!Bayern leads Dortmund by 9 points and wins the next round to win the championship – yqqlm

Original title: Ten consecutive championships are on the way!Bayern leads Dortmund by 9 points to win the next round

With the victory over Bielefeld in the 30th round of the Bundesliga, Bayern has swept away the haze of only scoring 2 goals in the past 3 games and consolidated the advantage of the standings with a score of 3-0. They are currently leading by 9 points. They are only 1 victory away from defending the Bundesliga. distance!

In this game, Bayern blasted 18 shots, and players including Gnabry and Muciara scored goals on the offensive end. Although Lewandowski did not have intuitive goal data, he also instigated many times. The team threatened to attack and assisted Muciara to score.

Compared with the poor results of only 1 win in the previous 3 games (0-1, 1-1 Huang Qian in the Champions League; 1-0 Augsburg in the League), Bayern successfully recovered blood with a timely 3-0.

As of now, Bayern is 9 points ahead of the second-place Dortmund with 4 rounds left in the league. In the next round of the league, they will have a direct dialogue with Dortmund at home. Considering the difference in goal difference between the two sides is a full 27 goals , Dortmund has little chance of overtaking the opponent on goal difference. In the next round, Bayern can lock the league championship as long as they remain unbeaten at home.

It is worth mentioning that if they win the Bundesliga championship this season, Bayern will achieve ten consecutive Bundesliga Salads, and they will also be the first team in Bundesliga history to be crowned Bundesliga champions for 10 consecutive seasons!

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