Home » Psychologist bonus: the portal is coming to book it, the INPS will pay the doctors

Psychologist bonus: the portal is coming to book it, the INPS will pay the doctors

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Psychologist bonus: the portal is coming to book it, the INPS will pay the doctors

The psychological bonus is on the launching pad, the voucher of up to 600 euros with which Italians stressed by two heavy years of pandemic will be able to pay for psychotherapy sessions. The bonus can be requested through a portal that will be activated by the INPS which will then be responsible for paying the payment of the service to the members of the Order of psychologists who have become available. For citizens there will therefore be no additional charges or advances to be paid. These are some of the indications on the bonus anticipated by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza in view of the Mef-Salute decree with all the modalities expected in days.

How the bonus works

The bonus e was included in the milleproroghe decree in February where 20 million euros were allocated: 10 million for health facilities and the other 10 in the form of vouchers. Each voucher will have a maximum value of 600 euros and will be parameterized to the different ISEE bands in order to support people with the lowest income. Those with an ISEE higher than 50 thousand euros will be excluded from the bonus. The contribution aims to support the costs of up to twelve psychotherapy sessions, on the assumption that the minimum rate of the sessions is around 50 euros each. These will be available to private specialists regularly enrolled in the register of psychotherapists.

INPS will manage the application portal

The procedures for submitting the application to access the grant, the amount and the requisites, including income, for its assignment will be established by a decree of the Ministry of Health adopted in concert with that of the Economy. The text of the decree was sent to the Mef last April 14 and to the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza he is confident that in the next few days it will be launched: “As soon as the concert arrives, we hope that it will arrive in the next few days, we will proceed with the signing and finally the implementing decree will be approved and we can leave”. Inps will be – anticipated the minister – to offer the portal for reservations and will always be there Inps “the paying subject compared to the professionals who will make themselves available”.

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No burden for the citizen

Minister Speranza then clarified that «The mechanism we have identified will allow access to the contribution without charges or anticipation by the person who wants to take advantage of the bonus. This same person will be able to freely choose the professional among those who have naturally joined the initiative “. For Speranza, «mental health is a great issue that we must deal with. This initiative goes in the right direction, but I say with absolute clarity that it will certainly not be enough and that mental health is a crucial issue that certainly cannot be tackled only with the logic of bonuses “. In the latest budget law 38 million have been allocated: 20 for the psychological distress of children and adolescents, which will turn into staff hiring to assist these people, 10 million for access to psychological services for the weaker groups, so in particular oncological patients, and 8 million euros for the strengthening of the territorial and hospital services of child and adolescent neuropsychiatry.

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