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Nails with stripes? You may have this problem

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Nails with stripes?  You may have this problem

Have you noticed that you have vertical lines on your nails? Be careful, it could be a wake-up call for this pathology. Let’s find out what it is and how to recognize it.

We often tend to underestimate some signals that our body sends us, but be careful in some cases they could be more serious than we think. And it is the case of the vertical lines on the nails, in fact these not only indicate a lack of vitamins, but could have to do with a much more serious pathology.

Here’s what vertical stripe nails mean

We must learn to listen to the signals that our body sends us, in most cases it may not be anything serious, but be careful, some symptoms should never be underestimated.

An example is our nails, these need special attention and it is good use not to underestimate their condition. It may happen that in a certain period yes break or are weaker than usualit could be due to stress or a seasonal change.

But be careful, if you notice any vertical lines on your nails, could be a sign of a much more serious pathology. Are you curious to find out what it is? Let’s see it together.

Nails with vertical lines? Attention, it could be a symptom of a serious pathology

Normally, when you have vertical lines on your nails, you immediately think of a vitamin deficiency. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, in fact in some cases it could be the indicator of a much more serious pathology.

It may happen to notice these lines on our nails, generally doctors associate them with premature aging or trauma. In these cases, to solve the problem it would be enough to moisturize the nails with vegetable oils.

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But beware, it could be something more seriousespecially if other symptoms such as fatigue and abdominal pain.

vertical lines on the nails
Vertical lines on the nails? Here’s what it could be

Generally when you have these symptoms it is necessary to consult your general practitioner, he will indicate the necessary tests to do. However, these alarm bells can be associated with theanemia or in more severe cases hypothyroidism.

This syndrome occurs mainly when the thyroid does not produce enough hormones. As experts say, initially the symptoms of hypothyroidism are not evident, so it is important to pay attention to small signs, such as the health of our nails.

If you notice the presence of these lines it is always better to investigate with specific exams. What do you think about it?

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