Home » EU tightens on Big Tech, Gentiloni: “What is illegal offline will also be illegal online”

EU tightens on Big Tech, Gentiloni: “What is illegal offline will also be illegal online”

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EU tightens on Big Tech, Gentiloni: “What is illegal offline will also be illegal online”

The European Union has reached political agreement on the Digital Services Act (DSA), the bill that imposes on Big Tech greater responsibility for illegal or harmful content circulating on their platforms. «Today’s agreement on the DSA is historic. Our new rules will protect online users, guarantee freedom of expression and opportunities for businesses “, underlines the president of the EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, in a tweet, adding that” what is illegal offline will actually be illegal online in EU ». It is “a strong signal for people, companies and countries around the world“.

The agreement was reached overnight after 16 hours of negotiations between the European Parliament and the Council on the proposal presented by the EU Commission in December 2020 and which will guarantee better protection for Internet users, setting new standards on the responsibility of online platforms such as Facebook. Twitter and Google, about illegal and harmful content.

The EU commissioner, Paolo Gentiloni is also exulted: «He is an example for the world – he wrote in a tweet – Even the giants of the web will have rules to respect. Protection of minors, obligation to remove illegal content, freedom of expression. What is illegal must also be illegal online ».

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