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Alto Canavese, one point is enough, the goal is now very close

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Alto Canavese, one point is enough, the goal is now very close

Saturday afternoon in Genoa there are great chances of getting the playoffs early. The Volpianese in Sardinia, but hopes are reduced to a flicker

HEART. One-point playoff goal. L’Alto Canavese in group A of Serie B to mathematically detach the playoff pass, it is enough to lose in the tiebreak tomorrow, Saturday 23, at 18, at Cus Genova: “We are very close to a very prestigious goal for the club – says the coach Fabio Matteotti – for the city of Cuorgnè, for the players and its supporters. Saturday against Cus Genova in Liguria it will be enough for us to win two sets to have mathematical certainty, but for our mentality we will aim for the full loot also to try to put pressure on the first in the standings, Acqui Terme. It will not be easy to get back to first place. In reality, given the playoff regulations, it doesn’t change much to finish first or second in the group. Who arrives first in our group meets the second of group B in the playoffs and who is second to us, collides with the first of group A – explains Matteotti -. In these cases there is never a clear favorite, they are always races in which the approach and attention to every single detail will count a lot to go as far forward as possible ».

Here are the other matches of the recoveries of the third day: at 18 Ciriè-Chieri, Lavagna-Collegno, Colombo Genova-Acqui Terme, Novi Ligure-Sant’Anna and Zephyr La Spezia-Npsg La Spezia. Ranking: Acqui Terme points 54; Alto Canavese 51; Cirie 45, Npsg La Spezia 37; Chieri and Novi Ligure 33; Zephyr La Spezia 28; Sant’Anna 25; Cus Genova 23; Collegno 13; Colombo Genoa 10; Blackboard 8.

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In B1 women instead, the hopes of the Volpianese in Group A to reach the playoffs are reduced to a flicker. The team of coach Stefano Andreotti is in fact six points behind the second place, occupied by Legnano and between the Volpianesi and the Milanese in the race there is also another team to further complicate the playoff race: the Caselle. To hope to hook the playoffs at the last minute he must win the last two games, while Legnano will have to score zero points and the maximum Caselle 4. In case of equal points instead between Legnano, Caselle and Volpianese, the number of victories in the championship will count ( currently Caselle and Volpianese have 14 victories, while Legnano is at 16) and even if this aspect does not decree the second in the standings, we will proceed with the set quotient and then the points quotient. Tomorrow, Saturday 23 April at 6pm, Volpianese will play against Palau in Sardinia. The other matches: at 6 pm Legnano-Parella Torino, Virtus Biella-Caselle, Novate-Acqui Terme, Bra-Trecate and Settimo Milanese-Orago. Ranking: Palau 55 points; Legnano 48; Boxes 43; Volpianese 42; Bra 38; Parella Turin 37; Virtus Biella 30; Acqui Terme 23; Trecate 17; Novate 12; Settimo Milanese 11; Orago 1.

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