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Vulvodynia, presented a bill to recognize the disease

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Vulvodynia, presented a bill to recognize the disease

If in recent years these beliefs are starting to be put aside, it is also thanks to the work of activists, committees and influencers like Soleri who use their notoriety to raise public awareness of causes who otherwise would not get the right attention.

The vulvodynia and pudendal neuropathy they are far from rare diseases as they affect one in seven women. Despite the very high prevalence, they are pathologies underestimated by many doctors and misrecognized by society and, consequently, still poorly protected by the state – said Giuditta Pini of the Democratic Party, first signatory to the Chamber, and Giuseppe Pisani of the 5 Star Movement, first signatory to the Senate -. For this reason, there is still much to be done in order to eliminate the stigma and inequalities on gender diseases, which mainly afflict the female population, promoting prevention, diagnosis and timely treatment. As signatories and signatories we are proud to have brought to Parliament a proposal written by patient associations and signed across the board by various political forces, proving that good politics, without distinction of parts, must be the spokesperson for the right instances and needs. which come from the social partners”.

Not an easy path

However, scheduling and approving the law will not be easy, despite the transversal support of most of the parliamentary groups. “The laws, especially those concerning diseases, have been inactive in this country for years – said Giuditta Pini -. The legislature is about to end and it will be difficult to get this law approved, but the fact that it has been filed is already excellent news because anyone who comes after us will be able to take pieces of it and work with it to make sure that they slowly pass. It is not taken for granted and it is not right that those who have to suffer should do it and do it in silence. Women have inherent in suffering as a value and this law finally sheds a light on a law about which little has been known for too long.”.

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“We started our campaign by declaring that our pathologies were a” pain without a voice “ – the organizing committee said in a note -. Today, thanks to our work, we have a strong voice that is reaching everywhere. Today’s is a very important result for us, we know, however, that this is only the beginning and that we will still have to fight to see this law approved as soon as possible “.

At the end of the presentation of the law to the press, while the flashes of photographers and deputies and deputies rushed for a selfie with Damiano David who rushed to support her, Giorgia Soleri once again asked the people present to never let the veil of silence fall. on vulvodynia. It is not just a matter that concerns you and those who like you have suffered the consequences of a chronic debilitating disease, but of all those women who have been taught that pain is not told, but is tolerated by keeping silent.

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