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Lite degenerates, one wounded in Zero Branco

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Lite degenerates, one wounded in Zero Branco

The quarrel broke out in via Guidini in Zero Branco. One injured person was taken to the hospital, he is not in danger of life.

ZERO BRANCO. A quarrel between foreigners in via Guidini in Zero Branco on Friday afternoon ended with a man injured, fortunately not seriously. The police investigate the case.

The quarrel broke out shortly after 6pm inside the apartment building at number 10. Screams and some shoving flew, until one of the people involved ended up against the window, shattering the glass. That’s probably how she got pretty deep wounds on her arm.

It was the neighbors, hearing the commotion, who called the carabinieri and the Suem118. The helicopter also got up from Ca ‘Foncello, because the injured person’s condition seemed very serious. Instead, after a while the flight was canceled. The wounded, on the ground and bleeding, was wounded in the arm, not in a serious way. While another, probably the attacker, was treated on the spot.

In addition to the Local Police, the patrols of the Treviso and Zero Branco carabinieri arrived in via Guidini for the investigation. The reason for the quarrel is not clear at the moment.

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