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Health, a value to be protected

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Health, a value to be protected

Mario is a sportsman in his seventies, always ready to get on his bicycle and go out for a run with his friends. Cecilia, on the other hand, is 45 years old, has two daughters and a demanding job. Gabriele, a 25-year-old convinced health fan, is always attentive to his diet and to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Different people with different health needs, for each of which prevention takes on a specific value. And today more than ever, Italians are returning to look with confidence on the health front, without forgetting what the coronavirus has taught: being capable of greater flexibility to be prepared for any eventuality, even the most difficult to imagine. That health is a fundamental factor in the post-Covid recovery is testified to by the attention that the National Recovery and Resilience Plan has reserved for health: about 20 billion euros to redesign the health system. Prevention, attention to lifestyles on the one hand and accessible treatments closer to the citizens are the tracks on which the reform moves, meeting the needs that have emerged in the last two years.

Italians looking for medical consultations

Italy is one of the longest-lived countries in the world, with 23% of the population over 65; society is transforming by accentuating social loneliness with 32% of single-person families and 10% of single-parent families. A series of changes to which citizens have responded over the last few years by seeking more services on the health front, declaring themselves also willing to pay for specialist visits and prevention, counseling or support services for the chronically ill out of their own pockets. Suffice it to say that almost 80% of Italians go to the general practitioner several times a year, consult specialists and carry out diagnostic tests and over 50% of the healthy population goes to specialists. In 2017, the share of healthcare expenditure paid by Italians was 23.7%, much higher than the European average which stood at 16%.

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Lifetime safety

On the other hand, attention to health differs according to age and situations: young people are worried about possible injuries, parents are worried about their children, adults about illnesses, the elderly about the worsening of their own. conditions, who owns a pet for his own good, who is going through an economically difficult time for a safe future. Difficult to find a solution that works for everyone, unless it is flexible and easy to understand. As Imagine Now, the insurance solution of Generali Italia that guarantees maximum flexibility throughout the course of life by easily adapting to changing needs.

A shield to protect against health

Within Immagina Now, the Health & Wellness offer allows you to cover all needs: from prevention to diagnostics with specialist medical examinations and visits, but also prevention and dental care, specific protection only for the most feared diseases such as an oncological problem, up to to a broad spectrum protection that can accompany us for “a lifetime”. Among the services offered are counseling for safe sport and nutritionist, medical teleconsultation or video consultation for a more immediate response, a Second Opinion consultation to deepen a diagnosis received. Imagine Now is a customizable and flexible formula on the needs of life.

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