Home » Dear bills, the entrepreneur pays a thousand euros more in paychecks: “If the company goes well, I also owe it to my employees”

Dear bills, the entrepreneur pays a thousand euros more in paychecks: “If the company goes well, I also owe it to my employees”

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Dear bills, the entrepreneur pays a thousand euros more in paychecks: “If the company goes well, I also owe it to my employees”

A webinar organized by Mdb and, in the box, Guido Zabai

UDINE. Everything increases, from bills to gasoline to basic necessities and the owner of a small company from Udine “puts” a thousand euros net in the paycheck of each employee.

The entrepreneur in question is called Guido Zabai, 51 years old. He is the owner of Media Digital Business srl in via Cormôr Alto in Udine, a company specializing in the organization and management of congresses, conventions, conferences and meetings of any size, providing a complete range of services.

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