Home » IN & AUT, the first autism festival ever organized in Italy kicks off

IN & AUT, the first autism festival ever organized in Italy kicks off

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IN & AUT, the first autism festival ever organized in Italy kicks off

Everything is ready for the opening ceremony of IN & AUT Festival, the three-day event dedicated to the theme of social inclusion and the work of people with autism, which starts in Milan at the Fabbrica del Vapore. To “baptize” the first festival of its kind in Italy, an exceptional “godmother”: the President of the Senate Maria Elisabetta Casellati who on Friday 13 May at 12 will open with her speech the first edition of the event that has as promoters the InOltre Foundation, the journalist Francesco Condoluci (father of an autistic child) and Senator Eugenio Comincini (“father” of the law on tax relief for social startups that hire workers with autism)

Artists and professionals

Together with the president Casellati, for the inaugural ceremony of IN & AUT, there will be the mayor of Milan Giuseppe Sala and the vice president of the Lombardy Region Letizia Moratti, as well as numerous parliamentarians and municipal and regional political and institutional figures. three days of scientific debates and comparisons with the world of politics and social health and business realities that deal with autism, disability and inclusion at work, but also convivial moments with social catering, cultural and musical events. Indeed, many artists and professionals who have put themselves at the service of the cause have confirmed their presence: among these Paolo Ruffini, Elio, Vinicio Marchioni, Milena Mancini, Francesco Mandelli, Valeria Solarino, Francesco Foti, Arduino Speranza, Fausto Sciarappa, Eleonora Daniele, Camilla Filippi, the Rulli Frulli Band, Sabrina Paravicini, Giulio Pranno, Giulia Bevilacqua, the pastry chef Nicola Fiasconaro.

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The realities involved

The artistic direction, curated by the actress Giorgia Cardaci, will in fact offer the public, over the three days, film screenings, book presentations and theatrical performances on the theme of autism. , Paola Severini Melograni, Elisabetta Soglio, Riccardo Bonacina, Eugenio Fatigante, Mimmo Pesce. There are a large number of organizations involved in the social sector that have joined the initiative, including the Don Gnocchi Foundations, the Holy Family, the Bracco Foundation, the Adecco Foundation, the Italian Autism Foundation, the Allianz Umana Mente Foundation, Aut Academy, Rai per il Sociale and many associations. clubs dealing with autism in Lombardy and throughout Italy.

Scientific tables

The scientific tables will be attended by neuropsychiatrists and well-known experts such as Maurizio Arduino, Luigi Mazzone, Roberto Keller and Maria Luisa Scattoni and many entrepreneurs and companies that invest in the inclusion of people with autism.

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