Home » Seagull gets entangled in the cables of the arm of a construction crane, firefighters and SAF personnel climb to save him

Seagull gets entangled in the cables of the arm of a construction crane, firefighters and SAF personnel climb to save him

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Seagull gets entangled in the cables of the arm of a construction crane, firefighters and SAF personnel climb to save him

Once on the spot, the Saf personnel climbed safely onto the crane structure reaching the seagull and, “defending” themselves from other seagulls who were trying to “protect” the imprisoned bird, recovered it with a net for animals and took it to earth

LIGNANO. The firefighters of Lignano, at 11.15 today, Sunday 15 May, intervened to rescue a seagull caught in the cables of the arm of a construction crane.

Arriving on the spot, they found that the bird was entangled in the middle of the crane arm at an altitude of about 40 meters; considering the height, which made it impossible to carry out the rescue using the ladder, the Lignano firefighters requested the intervention of a SAF team (Speleo Alpino Fluviale) from the operations room of the Udine power station.

Not having at that time specialized personnel available, the Friulian firefighters contacted the operations room of the Regional Directorate which ordered the dispatch of specialized personnel from the commands of Gorizia and Trieste.
Once on the spot, the Saf personnel climbed safely onto the crane structure reaching the seagull and, “defending” themselves from other seagulls who were trying to “protect” the imprisoned bird, recovered it with a net for animals and took it to earth.

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