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Young Finance, investing is child’s play

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Young Finance, investing is child’s play

How does money “work”? Understanding the mechanisms that determine income and expenses, gains or losses, is fundamental in a world like the present one that does not include an instruction booklet. For this reason Il Sole 24 Ore presents the book “Young Finance. Investing is child’s play ”written by the high school math teacher and YouTuber with 450,000 followers Elia Bombardelli, the tech entrepreneur and creator followed by 300,000 people Gianluigi Ballarani and the journalist / popularizer Marco lo Conte. The authors have combined their skills to tell in this book the essential things that young people need to know in order to cope economically with adulthood.

“Young Finance. Investing is child’s play “more than a book, it is a paper version of a social account, in which the authors explain in an understandable way what the creator economy is, why investing, the steps to be taken to be provident, the challenge of sustainability, the financial instruments available. Without abstruse and buffering terms, but rather accepting the challenge of clarity (preferred to technicality) and thanks also to the interviews of some of the protagonists of today’s finance, increasingly digital and user friendly.

The volume will be presented by the three authors at the Turin International Book Fair on Thursday 19 May at 11:45 am as part of the SalToScuole (Sala Booklab) and at the Trento Festival of Economics on Thursday 3 June at 18:00 at the Department of Economics. . “This book is designed for high school students, college students and even adults who are not economists and are interested in the topics of personal finance and investments. It is not aimed at finance professionals, blockchain experts, business graduates and professional traders, ”explain the authors in the instructions for use of this volume.

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The book “Young Finance” was born from a video series of financial education for children, online on Sole24ore.com, on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok, where the three authors propose clear and complete pills like video lessons, enriched by images and visual explanations for learn immediately the basics of edufin and make more complex issues more accessible.

The volume will remain on newsstands for a month in non-compulsory combination with Il Sole 24 Ore at € 12.90 in addition to the price of the newspaper; in bookshops for € 16.90 and in e-book format in the main digital stores for € 9.99.

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