Home » And yet another justificationist post from Russia appears on Grillo’s blog

And yet another justificationist post from Russia appears on Grillo’s blog

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And yet another justificationist post from Russia appears on Grillo’s blog

Nothing. She is stronger than him. He can’t do it, not to defend Russia in some way. On Beppe Grillo’s blog, another justificationist post from Russia appeared this morning, written by the former ambassador to Ryad, converted to Islam, Torquato Cardilli. In the post, entitled “Two weights and two measures”, it basically says that yes, Russia has invaded, but then all the other wars in the world? So the United States? So NATO?

A gigantic and embarrassing case of “whataboutism”, which confirms once again the ideological political link that has never been severed between Grillo and Vladimir Putin’s Russia, which in 2017 Grillo defined (together with Donald Trump) “a strong statesman which international politics needs “.

“It is clear to everyone – writes Cardilli on Grillo’s blog – that Russia has broken international law by violating Ukraine’s borders with weapons to sow death and destruction, but the history of the UN is paved with violations and vetoes” . The fault seems to lie with the United States: “Russia (heir to the USSR since 1991) has made use of the” right of veto “on very few occasions, while the United States has resorted to it dozens of times, in most cases to block resolutions condemning their misdeeds and the repeated violations of international law, the charter of the United Nations, the recommendations of the General Assembly, by the ally Israel ”.

Even more incredible, the Maidan revolution is defined as a “coup d’etat”, and the annexationist referendum of Crimea – an illegal referendum that took place with a Russian annexation and without any legal protection and legality – is presented as a legitimate and conclusive vote. : “In 2014, Crimea proclaimed its secession and independence from Ukraine promptly recognized by Russia which shortly thereafter, to counter the reaction of the government of Kiev, which became anti-Russian with a coup d’etat, favored the organization in Crimea of a popular referendum for annexation ”.

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The annexation of Crimea is unfortunately compared to the “independence secession” of Kosovo “to the detriment of Serbia, whose capital Belgrade was heavily bombed by the Western alliance until the capitulation. Then no one in the West, at the governmental or information level, opposed the harshness of the devastation ». By comparing incomparable things, the foundations of the heaviest misinformation are laid. Two weights and two measures, the former ambassador recriminates, even on refugees: “Ukrainians have been seen with compassionate eyes unlike those from Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Kurdistan”.

In an incredible soup that touches the massacres of Sabra and Shatila, the detention of Chico Forti in America and the Cermis massacre, one wonders if the Grillino leader in politics, Giuseppe Conte, can share this bewildered post pro-Kremlin.

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