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it seems trivial instead it is the result of an important study

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it seems trivial instead it is the result of an important study

To combat Alzheimer’s certainly there are effective pharmacological therapies. But a study has identified another powerful weapon.

Le middle-aged peopleas you know, I am more a risk of developing Alzheimer’sor at least one degeneration of cognitive abilities. Science, lately, is looking for pharmacological solutions but not only. A lot of research is showing that proper nutrition wards off various diseases.

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Per Proper nutritionbasically, we mean one set of principles that are very simple to implement. The fruit e le verdure fresh, of the most varied types, they contain many beneficial substances, which are good for the whole organism. Today, under the magnifying glass there is a small and very particular fruit. According to experts it would be able to effectively counteract the onset of Alzheimer’s and senile dementia.

Fighting Alzheimer’s with blueberries, the results of an important study

In one studio which was then published in the magazine Nutrients, it is underlined as consumption of blueberries had preventive / curative effects on people at risk for Alzheimer’s and senile dementia.

These fruits are known for presence massive of anthocyaninswhich are basically gods very powerful antioxidants. The research involved 33 subjectsaged between 50 and 65 years. The age when the human being begins to develop physiological degeneration in the brain.

Subjects were asked to supplement the diet with a preparation based on blueberry concentratefor at least 12 weeks. Some of the patients, on the other hand, took gods placebo. After that period of time, the scholars were able to measure really an increase in cognitive abilities. By testing, the subjects demonstrated better performance in memory, concentration, mental flexibility and even self-control. And obviously a lower risk of getting Alzheimer’s.

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And factor that seems related to these amazing results is also the insulin level present in the participants in the experiment. Those who had taken the blueberry supplements showed a greater blood sugar balance. A better one metabolic function of disposal could be at the base of reduced oxidative stress. Which is what, according to studies, would lead tobrain fatigue and all the consequences correlate.

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and concerns scientific studies published in medical journals. Therefore, it does not replace the consultation of a doctor or specialist, and should not be considered for formulating treatments or diagnoses)

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