Home » The city’s first family education theme publicity month launched_Event_Ceremony_Cost City

The city’s first family education theme publicity month launched_Event_Ceremony_Cost City

by admin

Original title: The city’s first family education theme publicity month was launched

News from this newspaper (Reporter Lei Fengyu) learned from the Municipal Education Commission that yesterday, the city held the online launching ceremony of the first family education publicity month activity. This is the first time since the implementation of the “Family Education Promotion Law of the People’s Republic of China” that the city has held a school family education theme publicity month.

According to reports, the publicity month activities will start from now to June 15, which will last for one month. With the theme of “Home-School Collaboration, Let Children Grow Healthy-Family Education Promotion Law and School Family Education Guidance”, the event organized and carried out “Family Education Promotion Law and Home-School Collaborative Educating People”, “Educate Children and Home-School Collaborative Educating People” ” 3 special lectures including “Interpretation of the Party’s Leadership over the Family Committee”, held the launch ceremony of books such as “Tianjin School Family Education Guidance Book”, “Teaching Children I Have Strategies”, “Raising Children First Raising Oneself”, and the theme of “The Second Heartwarming Home Visit”. 7 municipal-level activities including the launching ceremony of the Speech Contest and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei School Family Education Forum, 2 district-level activities such as typical experience promotion and work exchange and sharing, and 2 school-level activities such as the release of family education proposals and the organization of home-school lectures It is a high-level activity, and strives to build the family education publicity month activity into a unique family education brand in the city, and strive to create a strong atmosphere of “focusing on family, family education, and family style” to escort the healthy growth of children.Return to Sohu, see more

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posted on:Tianjin

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