Home » Apu, Boniciolli was elected best coach of the year

Apu, Boniciolli was elected best coach of the year

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Apu, Boniciolli was elected best coach of the year

The coach voted for by colleagues, managers and championship captains: “I share the award with all the staff, but now there is a job to complete”

UDINE. Another recognition for Matteo Boniciolli. The Apu Old Wild West coach won the award as best coach of the 2021 / ’22 season, awarded by the National Basketball League based on the votes of managers, coaches and captains of the 28 Serie A2 teams. It is a remarkable satisfaction for the Juventus coach, precisely because the award comes from the “experts” and not from a simple survey among the fans who populate the social networks.

The victory in the Italian Cup and the first place in the regular season in the Green group, with the best record of victories in the whole A2 series are the visiting card that allowed Boniciolli to impose itself on his colleagues. «First of all I have to thank everyone – says the APU technician – starting with those who have decided to vote for me. It is clear that the coach is just the tip of the iceberg of a team effort that starts with the president, that passes through the board of directors that gives you confidence, that listens to you, that moderates your anger. And it is an award that, from a strictly technical point of view, I share with Luigino Sepulcri, with Alberto Martelossi, with Carlo Finetti, with Carlo Campigotto, with Tommaso Mazzilis, with Marco Vendraminetto and with Federico Lanza. From these people I was put in the conditions to do a job that I believe was important for the city of Udine and for society. Without them I would not have been able to achieve anything ».

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The work, however, is still to be completed. There is a promotion to be won. «We said from the beginning that, although we appreciate this league very much, our goal was to play in a different league next year. We have taken the first step, we still lack so many games to play, so much suffering to live. We cannot deny that the path we have taken is the right one, especially in terms of continuity. For two years we have been at the top of the category – says Boniciolli – and I believe that this is truly the prize that summarizes the work done by everyone in the last two years ».

Matteo Boniciolli won this award to which several outsider team coaches in the league were candidates, to which he himself gives credit. “I voted for Andrea Zanchi from Biella and Luca Bechi from San Severo, because they got more than what was assumed at the beginning of the season”. The one awarded to Matteo Boniciolli is the second seasonal award of the National Basketball League. Ty Sabin of Cestistica San Severo was the best foreigner, still to be elected the best Italian and the best young player in A2.

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