Home » Rumbling in the stomach, if too frequent can be a warning for something more serious

Rumbling in the stomach, if too frequent can be a warning for something more serious

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Rumbling in the stomach, if too frequent can be a warning for something more serious

Feeling the stomach rumbling and moving is a fairly frequent experience, it can occur in the absence of hunger or before or after meals. Many times it becomes a cause of embarrassment if you are in company and the gurgling breaks the silence!

It can happen that you are hungry and the mere sight of food or simply its scent causes that our stomach begins to grumble. This is because food and perfume stimulate the brain which immediately activates nerve and hormonal messages to our stomach.

Stomach rumbling (Web photo)

In these cases there is not much to worry, but when the phenomenon becomes continuous, without an apparent reason for the grumbling, it could be a sign of some problem that we need to pay attention to. In fact, the continuous grumbling of the stomach could hide other causes.

What are the reasons for this phenomenon

Borborigmithis is the scientific term for stomach noises and it is a very common phenomenon. They are the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract that by contracting cause noises. They contract to make food mix; this causes a mixture of “food-air” during the digestive process with related borborygmo.

The rumblings that are felt due to hunger, on the other hand, are caused by the gastric juices stimulated by the nervous and hormonal messages that our brain sends. In some cases, however, they need to be investigated because they could be spies.

What can be the disorders related to stomach rumbling

The borborigmi can be the indicator of slowed intestinal activity and in this case they are said hypoactive; they are instead hyperactive when they occur during digestion and in any case immediately after meals in a strong way.

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In this case it is necessary to investigate with the doctor especially if they occur with a certain frequency. This phenomenon can be linked to an excessive presence of air in the stomach which often causes meteorism. Often it is to be attributed to some foods that they favor the production of intestinal gas more or from bad habits such as ingesting too much air in the stomach.

Borborigmi and possible diseases

Some diseases of the gastrointestinal system can be discovered by borborygmas which in these cases become alarm bells. The diseases that can affect this phenomenon are for example: La ulcerative colitis, gastroenteritis or irritable colon, Crohn’s disease. Other manifestations that can occur are symptoms such as headache and diarrhea, bad breath, indigestion and fatigue.

Gastroenterology-visit (Web Source)
Gastroenterology-visit (Web Source)

The noises coming from the stomach they may have another nature beyond those already listed, we are talking about food intolerances or allergies, for example those related to lactose or celiac disease.

Anxiety and stress also contribute by giving rise to discomfort and noises in the stomach that should not be underestimated. It is important in the case of persistent borborygmi, to contact specialists for further information, thus avoiding the worsening of symptoms, always bearing in mind that prevention and therefore timing are fundamental.

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