Home » Massimo Giletti: “Alessandra Moretti is still in love with me”. But she denies and announces a lawsuit

Massimo Giletti: “Alessandra Moretti is still in love with me”. But she denies and announces a lawsuit

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Massimo Giletti: “Alessandra Moretti is still in love with me”.  But she denies and announces a lawsuit

Alessandra Moretti? She is still in love with me, maybe partly me too “. Massimo Giletti he tells himself but, interviewed by Corriere della Sera, also remembers his past romantic relationship with the PD MEP who, for his part, does not like at all what he criticizes as intolerable “interference in my private life”. “Did it end?”, Asks the journalist to those who ask him for details on the end of the relationship: “I know – he continues – that we will never get lost. For her I feel a feeling of affection that binds me very much”.

“She is a woman – continues the journalist in the interview with Corriere della Sera – who fought in her life, raised her children practically by herself “, continues Giletti who explains:” I never had a family from Mulino Bianco, when I saw her parents who loved each other I was touched “.

But Alessandra Moretti replies tightly: “Regarding the interview given today by Massimo Giletti on the Corriere della SeraI deny every assertion reported “.” I do not tolerate – adds the Pd MEP – interference in my private life and I deplore the fact that my children, who have always had – points out the exponent dem – a mother and a father present, are involved and cited in similar journalistic contexts “.” I reserve the right to protect myself and my family in the appropriate places “, concludes the Pd MEP.

Moretti then returned to the issue with a letter published in the online edition of the Via Solferino newspaper: “There are many ways to do violence to a woman – she writes -. We all know this because we have all been through it. There is not only violence. more evident, the physical one that must lead women to report at the first slap without any yielding; there are often more subtle, manipulative violence. his name, exposing it in public, trying to isolate that name with lies, putting his personal stories in the streets “, he observes.

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“Pointing the finger at a woman to turn a light on her, on her private and family life, without any respect for the feelings and sensibilities of the people involved, as Massimo Giletti did with myself, is an intolerable form of violence” , presses the exponent Pd. “My children – he argues – have always had a father and a mother who took care of them together, certainly not one more because there are many mothers or fathers who do everything by themselves, but it is regrettable to remove a father figure on the columns of a newspaper to children, it is unacceptable “.

“I will denounce – confirms Moretti – as I do every time I have suffered insults and violence, but in this case I do it to protect my children who cannot be thrown into the newspaper by invading their private sphere. I ask once again to all women and always not to retreat in the face of all kinds of intimidation, at all levels and in any professional environment. Never step back as others want, never. Do what you want and be free. Males who point fingers or raise their fingers. hands against a woman they say they love are a sad prerogative of the last century, yet they still exist. The news reports that every day tell different degrees of violence, none negligible, such as harassment of the herd, stereotypes about working mothers, attempts at mobbing or professional marginalization that each of us has suffered at least once in their life. Femicides, finally, a constant and unacceptable loss for our country “.

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“The patriarchal mentality and culture are long and difficult to change and can be declined in many ways but if each of us does his or her own, reacting to that pointed finger, the paradigm shift that is needed in a still odd society can be within our reach. . And it will do everyone good “, concludes Moretti.

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