Home » [Qin Peng Live]Why Blinken Soros Hong Xiuzhu talks about the huge difference between the CCP | International order | Xinjiang

[Qin Peng Live]Why Blinken Soros Hong Xiuzhu talks about the huge difference between the CCP | International order | Xinjiang

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[Qin Peng Live]Why Blinken Soros Hong Xiuzhu talks about the huge difference between the CCP | International order | Xinjiang

[NTDTV, Beijing time, May 27, 2022]Hello, viewers and friends, welcome to “Current Affairs Daily Chat”. Today is May 26th, Eastern Time, and May 27th, Beijing, Hong Kong and Taiwan time.

Today, let’s talk about the speech to China delivered by US Secretary of State Blinken on May 26, which is the comprehensive policy statement of the Biden administration on China so far. What are the important contents of his speech?

In addition, we also want to talk about a speech given by the financial giant Soros at the Davos Forum on May 24, where he said that the CCP and Russia are the biggest threats to an open society. And yesterday (May 25), Hong Xiuzhu, the former chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang, praised the CCP’s Xinjiang policy.

Why put the speeches of the three of them together? It is because Blinken’s speech represents the Biden administration, and Soros is a representative of the left, and they will be very helpful to fully understand the attitude of the left in the United States and the world towards the CCP. And Hong Xiuzhu’s attitude is also very important to Taiwan’s future.

Blinken: Is the CCP a serious long-term challenge to the international order but avoids a Cold War?

Blinken’s speech has been long-awaited by the outside world. It has been 17 months since Biden took office, and Republicans and foreign policy observers have criticized him for not yet announcing a formal China policy. Today’s speech is considered by AFP to be the most comprehensive statement of the US government’s China policy so far.

The main point of Blinken’s speech today, I see a lot of Chinese media say, is the determination to avoid a “new cold war” with China. But, I think, this is at best a will or a diplomatic rhetoric of the US government, because Blinken’s original words were “We do not want a conflict or a new Cold War, instead, we are determined to Don’t let them happen.” (We aren’t looking for conflict or a new Cold War. To the contrary, we are determined to avoid both.)

In terms of content, I think what Blinken’s speech declared: a new Cold War not called a “new Cold War”.

Blinken said Xi Jinping’s administration is actively undermining the international system that has helped China’s own rise.

“Under President Xi, the ruling Chinese Communist Party has become more repressive at home and more aggressive abroad,” Blinken said. “We cannot expect Beijing to change its trajectory. So we will shape the periphery of Beijing. strategic environment to advance our vision for an open and inclusive international system.”

He particularly emphasized the need to defend and reform the new rules-based international order, that is, the system of laws, agreements, principles and institutions jointly established by human beings after the two world wars to manage relations between countries and prevent conflicts, Uphold the rights of all.

The founding documents of this international order, including the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, contained concepts such as self-determination, sovereignty, and the peaceful settlement of disputes. These are not Western structures. They reflect the common aspirations of the world.

This order is facing serious and ongoing challenges. Including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which attacked the principles of respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity enshrined in the UN Charter, which is why so many countries have united against aggression, which they see as a direct attack on the foundations of their own peace and security.

However, Blinken believes that even if the war in Ukraine continues, the more serious long-term challenge to the international order is posed by the CCP. Because: “China is the only country that has both the intent to reshape the international order and the growing economic, diplomatic, military and technological capabilities to do so. Beijing’s vision will move us farther away from the past75 the universal values ​​that have sustained the progress of the world over the years.”

Blinken said the U.S. purpose is not to seek conflict or a cold war, nor to prevent China from playing a great power role, or developing its economy or advancing the interests of its people, but the U.S. will “defend and strengthen the international laws, agreements, principles and institutions that maintain peace and security. , protect the rights of individuals and sovereign nations, and enable all nations, including the United States and China, to coexist and cooperate.”

He criticized the CCP’s destructive influence on the world, including the massive export of surveillance equipment to more than 80 countries, making illegal territorial claims in the South China Sea, undermining freedom of navigation, violating international rules and harming workers and companies in the United States and around the world, and The guise of defending sovereignty and territorial integrity, while standing with governments that violate it. He also named and criticized Xi and Putin’s declaration of uncapped cooperation in statements before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

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In response, Blinken spoke of the three pillars of the Biden administration’s China policy: investment, alliance, and competition, that is, increasing U.S. domestic investment, maintaining and expanding U.S. technology and productivity leadership; working closely with allies, especially in India In the Pacific region, the international order will not be destroyed; in addition, it will compete with China on the basis of a “level playing field”.

Blinken touched on supply chain shifts, saying the Chinese Communist Party is lobbying to block the legislation. He said one of the things that makes America the most powerful, even the most amazing, is that America has been able to attract the most talented people in the world, including millions of Chinese students. He added: “We have deep differences with the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese government. But those differences are between the government and the system, not our people. The American people have great respect for the Chinese people.”

Regarding alliances, Blinken talked about strengthening the security alliance with Japan and South Korea, the Indo-Pacific economic framework, the new quadrilateral talks, namely the new security partnership between the United States, Japan, India and Australia plus the United Kingdom, and the revitalization of relations with ASEAN. and cooperation with the EU. The United States does not seek absolute consistency in its relationship with China, but will listen to the ideas of its allies and meet challenges together.

He talked about the sources of strength against the CCP, democracy and human rights. Said to be with the people in Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong who were oppressed by the CCP. He also criticized the CCP’s blockade of information, freedom of speech, and international cultural flow, while using U.S. laws to claim compensation against the U.S. government. He said this lack of reciprocity was “unacceptable and unsustainable”.

Competition does not necessarily lead to conflict, Blinken said, but the United States will defend its interests from any threat. To this end, it will maintain U.S. military leadership, strengthen no relationship, work in the conventional, nuclear, space, and information domains, and also take advantage of America’s growing economic, technological, and diplomatic advantages.

Blinken said that the United States will continue to oppose the CCP’s aggression and illegal activities in the South China Sea and the East China Sea, and reiterated that Taiwan relations are based on the “Taiwan Relations Act”, the three joint communiqués, and the six guarantees of the US version of the one-China principle on Taiwan relations. , not the CCP version of Taiwan is a province of the CCP. He criticized the CCP for trying to unilaterally change the status quo.

Of course, Blinken also talked about cooperation with China, including on climate change, food security, addressing the nuclear programs of Iran and North Korea, and “global macro coordination as the world economy recovers from the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic. ”, cooperation in combating drug trafficking, etc.

The above is the main content of Blinken’s speech we have seen. Overall, Blinken’s remarks were considered very outspoken, with the top U.S. diplomat’s remarks being unusually direct, and his public remarks reflecting the administration’s strategy of secrecy toward China, according to people familiar with the matter.

In addition, it can be seen that in the three-dimensional “cooperation, competition and confrontation” proposed by the Biden administration in the early days of the US-China relationship, “competition” has long been the main theme of US-China relations.

What is the main problem with the Biden administration’s response? Critics argue that the biggest loophole remains its economic vision — even though a new 13-nation Indo-Pacific economic framework aimed at countering Chinese influence was unveiled during a recent trip to Asia. The framework does not disclose the standards that other countries have joined.

“The missing piece is a bold trade initiative,” said Richard Fontaine, director of the Center for a New American Security. Recently, however, Washington has shown little interest in signing new free trade agreements.

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Soros calls China and Russia the biggest threat to an open society. Why is the leftist anti-communist?

I know that many conservative friends have been criticizing the Biden administration for being anti-Xi and not anti-Communist, which also reminds us of another representative of the left, the financial giant George Soros. Therefore, I would also like to talk more about the issue of the Biden administration’s crackdown on the CCP based on Soros’s latest remarks today.

Soros is very controversial, especially after the last U.S. election. Many people think that he supported the BLM, etc., causing damage to the problems of American society. However, today we mainly want to talk about his attitude towards Xi Jinping and the CCP.

Over the past year or so, Soros has repeatedly attacked Xi Jinping directly. In August 2021, he wrote an article in the Wall Street Journal, calling Xi Jinping the most dangerous enemy of an open society, and that all Chinese are victims.

At the end of January 2022, he slammed Xi Jinping as a true communist believer at an online meeting of the Hoover Institution at Stanford, and a few days later in February, he wrote in the Financial Times that China is in crisis. Xi Jinping may not be re-elected.

Two days ago, on May 24, Soros said at the Davos Forum that Putin and Xi Jinping of China and Russia are the biggest threats to an open society. Mainland China’s insistence on blockade and control, disrupting supply chains, will keep inflation high in countries around the world. , resulting in a global economic recession. He also said that Xi Jinping may not be re-elected.

As a survivor of Nazi persecution, he appealed to mobilize all available resources to end the Russian-Ukrainian war as soon as possible. “The sooner Putin is defeated, the better. This may be the best and only way to save our civilization.”

So what do you think of Soros’s remarks?

Soros opposes the communist government under Xi Jinping, and I think there are three reasons.

First, after Xi Jinping came to power, the Jiang faction and other figures and white gloves that were attacked also hurt some traditional interests of Wall Street. Therefore, they hope that Xi Jinping will step down.

Second, in fact, there is a great conflict of values ​​between the two. Current affairs commentator Zhang Tianliang believes that the values ​​represented by Soros’s open society are actually cultural Marxism, while the CCP is violent Marxism , there is a battle of ideas between the two, so conflicts are inevitable, and even violent conflicts are bound to break out.

Third, Soros is not very clear about the nature of the CCP and the difference between the CCP and China. I also talked with a few friends today that if the CCP is not Xi Jinping, then Bo Xilai will be in power. In fact, the policies of the two will not be different. The fundamental difference lies in the policies of singing the red, fighting the black, fighting corruption, cracking down on private enterprises, and violating human rights. The fundamental reason is that the CCP’s attitude in the era of Deng, Jiang, and Hu before it was strong, and now it thinks it is strong will inevitably change. They will be aggressively attacked internationally, and domestic anti-human rights are the Communist Party’s solipsistic violent cult theory. Soros doesn’t understand this very well, so he is anti-Xi and not anti-Communist.

So, some friends are worried, will he help the Chinese Communist Party continue its life? I don’t think you need to worry. Because the CCP and Xi Jinping are now one in a certain sense, if Soros publicly attack Xi Jinping, he will hit the CCP, and vice versa.

Moreover, there is another point. The bigger market of these predators is in open societies such as Europe, America, Indo-Pacific, etc. Due to some extreme practices of the CCP authorities, including the zero-clearing policy, even in order to protect their own interests, they are bound to support them now. The competition and confrontation between the United States and its allies against the CCP will inevitably accelerate the disintegration of the CCP.

Hong Xiuzhu praises CCP’s Xinjiang policy, Taiwan has no rightists

Let’s talk about Hong Xiuzhu, the former chairman of the Kuomintang. On May 25, the CCP’s Xinhua News Agency reported that Hong Xiuzhu also visited Xinjiang when the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Bachelet visited Xinjiang. He also said that the society in Xinjiang is harmonious, equal and inclusive, and criticized the United States and the West for criticizing the CCP’s genocide in Xinjiang, Forced labor is a concocted “lie” out of a reluctance to see China rise, trying to undermine unity, etc.

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As you know, I generally don’t comment on the remarks of various factions in Taiwan, but this Hong Xiuzhu made me unable to bear it. People are shameless and shameless to such an extent that they openly sing praises for the CCP’s crimes against humanity!

We know that two days ago, Adrian Zenz, an expert on human rights in Xinjiang, and several international media exposed more evidence about the Xinjiang internment camps, revealing that the official ordered the shooting of those who tried to escape, and then killed them first and then reported them. In the photos disclosed, the youngest detainee was a 15-year-old girl, and the reason for their arrest was that they were regarded by the CCP as a “state” after listening to lectures for several days or even dozens of minutes. Enemy,” was shut down. After the photos were released, the international community was shocked.

So, did Hong Xiuzhu not know about these big events? Or did she not know that the CCP used violence to suppress the “June 4th” students, Falun Gong practitioners, and the people of Hong Kong before, and at the same time used lies and deception to cover it up?

Obviously not. Therefore, it can only be explained that Hong Xiuzhu wants to publicly endorse the CCP for personal power or certain interests. We have seen that Hong Xiuzhu’s remarks have also been criticized on the island of Taiwan. For example, Taiwan Jijin said that Hong Xiuzhu’s behavior, in the eyes of foreigners who are not familiar with the situation on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, means “the former chairman of Taiwan’s largest opposition party agrees. China’s Xinjiang policy”, “Taiwan’s largest opposition party believes that the human rights tragedy in Xinjiang was fabricated by the West”, just as the Kuomintang and the Communist Party “cooperated” on the issue of massacres of Uyghurs, and jointly wiped the grease for crimes against humanity, accusing the West of Undermining “China’s unity”, “Excuse me, Zhu Lilun, is this the Kuomintang’s attitude towards the human rights tragedy in Xinjiang? Does the Kuomintang also think that the Xinjiang concentration camps were fabricated by the West?”

Of course, I personally don’t think the KMT will publicly stand for Hong Xiuzhu’s remarks. However, I think the problem with Taiwan is that unlike the United States, there is no real right-wing political party from a party point of view. Therefore, under the special circumstances that Taiwan is currently facing the CCP’s military aggression and the crisis of personnel and cultural infiltration, everyone needs to remember : The Chinese Communist Party is the biggest enemy of mankind, and also the biggest enemy of people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Anyone who supports the CCP should be condemned.

Taiwan is a beacon of Chinese democracy. However, Taiwan has always had a big hidden danger, that is, it did not strictly clean up the agents of the CCP as it did during the martial law period, so that those retired generals who openly supported the CCP can actually get Taiwan pensions. These forces, in times of war, would be a very big security risk.

So, will their existence lead to a change in the future elections in Taiwan, causing the CCP to succumb to the army without fighting? I don’t think it should, because anti-communism is basically a global consensus now, and the Taiwanese people as a whole are also very clear in this regard. Anyone who gets close to the CCP will lead to defeat in the election campaign. This is also a special feature that many people have discovered now. The law is “Whoever is involved in the CCP will lose.”

Therefore, in this sense, it is also a good thing that people like Hong Xiuzhu are exposed now, and Taiwan and the international community will take the opportunity to shine a light.

“Qin Peng Live” Production Team

(Editor in charge: Liu Mingxiang)

URL of this article: https://www.ntdtv.com/gb/2022/05/26/a103439609.html

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