Home » He stole a computer and offers in the rectory to Motta, denounced

He stole a computer and offers in the rectory to Motta, denounced

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He stole a computer and offers in the rectory to Motta, denounced

The thief who broke into the parish priest’s house through a semi-open window on 20 May is identified in a 43-year-old of Venetian origins

MOTTA OF LIVENZA. He was identified and reported the author of the theft which took place last Friday 20 May in the rectory of the parish of Motta di Livenza. It is a 43-year-old of Venetian origins, homeless, who had entered the premises of the rectory through a window left half-open.

The man, already known to the police for having carried out other thefts, once inside the rectory, after having carried out a thorough inspection in the rooms on the ground floor, has a laptop and some money for donations from the faithful were stolen.

The parish priest had immediately reported the theft as soon as he realized the shortage. Determinants for the solution of the case, the video surveillance cameras of the parish that have filmed the thief entering and leaving the parish with the loot. Once recognized, he was denounced by the carabinieri for aggravated theft. For the thieves judicial troubles lie ahead.

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