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Are there any supplements that can replace drugs?

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Are there any supplements that can replace drugs?

Are there any supplements to lower blood sugar if you have diabetes that you can take instead of drugs? Talk to the expert.

Supplements (Pixabay)

The question that people who suffer from often ask themselves diabetes or who have problems with high blood sugar is this: are there any supplements that can lower blood sugar that can be taken in place of drugs? Many people dislike taking medications due to side effects.

Just as it has been known for some time that there are substances, also contained in various foods, which can contribute to lowering the glycemia in a completely natural way. Therefore, natural solutions are always more attractive than drugs in general in the population. There is a belief that a drug can solve a specific problem, but then cause damage to something else.

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In reality this is not always the case and in the case of serious diseases, such as diabetes, it is necessary to rely on specialists and what they recommend as a therapy. Let’s try, however, to deepen this issue by taking the statements of an expert in the sector who has better defined the effect of supplements and gods medications.

Diabetes: Supplements or Medicines?

Diabetes (Pixabay)

Franco Gregorio, head of the Ancona Diabetes Service, wanted to answer some questions on the subject. Is it possible to avoid taking drugs and choose the more natural supplements? The expert explained in detail which are these supplements that have been recommended for years in the treatment of diabetes: they are i nutraceuticals.

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There have long been debates about nutraceuticals about who they think they are absolutely to be taken and used not only for diabetes, but for any disease, while there are those who consider them totally useless. The guidelines of scientific authorities recognize that nutraceuticals, which derive from plants from microbial sources and from food, can improve health. These are able to prevent chronic diseases, improve health, slow down aging.

However, they don’t exist scientific evidence of their effectiveness with diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes. There is no evidence either that they can prevent the disease or that they can actually control blood sugar in the right way.

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Therefore, the expert advises to rely on the specialist and always follow his instructions. The drug that is usually prescribed for the treatment of diabetes is the metformin, drug recommended in all guidelines, by all international authorities. This drug, together with something of the latest generation, if it gives satisfactory results there is no reason not to take it.

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