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Cardinal Stella in Pieve di Soligo: “The war changed the face of the Pope”

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Cardinal Stella in Pieve di Soligo: “The war changed the face of the Pope”

Cardinal Beniamino Stella today in Pieve di Soligo

The cardinal from Pievigino called for an end to the bombings and hoped for the canonization of Blessed Giuseppe Toniolo

PIEVE DI SOLIGO. From the new square of Pieve di Soligo, right in front of the Schiratti house, that of the wife of Blessed Giuseppe Toniolo, Cardinal Beniamino Stella today called for an end to the bombings, and therefore to that “madness” that is the war in Ukraine. A war that is all the more incomprehensible – he specified – because it was fought between brothers in the same Christian faith. Who knows, will Toniolo himself, the first economist and sociologist of the Church, be able to do the miracle, whose remains are venerated in the nearby cathedral? Ā«We pray to him for this, so that he may intercede with our Lord. So that – the cardinal smiles – we can meet here, in this square, to celebrate the feast of peace Ā».

In three months the beatification of Pope Luciani, when is the canonization of Toniolo? Ā«We hope soon enough. We are waiting for the miracle. In the meantime – continues Stella – we invoke him so that our people find serenity, the people of the whole world heal their open wounds; in short, allow us to get out of these dark moments that we are experiencing. The face of the Pope, if you look closely, has changed in recent months, but not only because of physical suffering, especially because of this “madness” that is affecting so many brothers. I would like Francesco to find his usual smile again. How? The world must understand that bombing is not the path of humanity ā€. On the feast of the Republic, in Pieve di Soligo the religious community celebrated the restoration of the facade of the cathedral, the civil one the new square. After the homage to the war memorial, in the church the solemn concelebration of Stella with the archpriest don Giuseppe Nadal, the vicar forane don Mirco Dalla Torre and numerous priests linked to the town.

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