Home » Geico, world leader in car painting, is back in Italy

Geico, world leader in car painting, is back in Italy

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Geico, world leader in car painting, is back in Italy

ROME – Gecofin, the Italian holding of the Arabnia Neri family, has returned for the most part to Geico, one of the main companies in the world of plant engineering for the painting of car bodies of the most important manufacturers. The company also stressed that the alliance with Taikisha, a leading Japanese company in air conditioning systems, remains firm, strategic and the backbone of the development policies of the Geico-Taikisha group. Gecofin spa, of which Ali Reza Arabnia is chairman and CEO, has, in fact, repurchased 36.5% of the share package owned by Taikisha since 2011, rising to 85.5%, including the subsidiaries in the USA, China, France , Turkey, Germany and Croatia.

“This is a decision that, in addition to its technical, industrial, and financial values ​​- said Ali Reza Arabnia – is consistent with the values ​​of our family, based on respect for relationships with employees, customers, the local area and other workkeepers. (suppliers, banks and shareholders). Geico will remain under the leadership of my son Daryush, as CEO and president ”. It should be noted that, in the context of a constantly evolving and highly sophisticated sector, Geico has the most advanced technological know-how at its Pardis Innovation Center. The center is located in Cinisello Balsamo, on the outskirts of Milan, and covers an area of ​​3,600 square meters with over 40 prototypes operating in a 4.0 perspective, representing a spearhead in technological innovation. Geico will therefore continue to be the highest expression of the Taikisha group in terms of technology for the automotive sector. (Maurilio Rigo)

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