Home » Fabio Ridolfi chooses deep sedation: “State doesn’t help me die”

Fabio Ridolfi chooses deep sedation: “State doesn’t help me die”

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Fabio Ridolfi chooses deep sedation: “State doesn’t help me die”

Fabio Ridolfi, the 46-year-old from Fermignano (Pesaro-Urbino) immobilized in bed for 18 years due to a tetraparesis, chose to die undergoing deep sedation, “following the lack of response from the Marche Regional Health Service which, after having communicated the opinion of the Ethics Committee 40 days late with the green light for medical aid for voluntary death, he never indicated an opinion on the drug and its methods of administration “, informs the Luca Coscioni Association.

Fabio communicated his decision in a new video in which, through the eye pointer that allows him to communicate, he explains that “for 2 months my suffering has been recognized as unbearable. I have all the conditions to be helped to die, but the state ignores me. At this point I choose deep and continuous sedation, even if it prolongs the agony for those who love me“. On May 27 – the Coscioni Association recalls in a note – the man had also formally warned Asur (the only regional health company) Marche to carry out checks on the drug in a short time. A warning to which, however, Asur To date, he has never replied, and once the terms have elapsed – it says – Fabio’s lawyers could have legitimately proceeded with a criminal action against those responsible for the breach for omission of official acts.

Fabio had a rightthat of being able to choose medical aid for voluntary death, legally exercisable on the basis of sentence 242 of the Constitutional Court (Cappato Dj Fabio). A right that has been denied him due to the constant delays and the obstruction of a state which, while affirming that it has all the requisites envisaged by the constitutional judgment, and recognizing that its sufferings are unbearable, prevents it from saying enough “, they declare Philomena Gallonational secretary of the Luca Coscioni Association, lawyer and coordinator of Fabio’s defense board, e Marco Cappatotreasurer of the Coscioni Association.

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“Fabio – add Gallo and Cappato – deserves respect and not to be ignored by a state that cruelly forces him to suffer continuous and does not guarantee his legally feasible choice. Every day that passes for Fabio is one more day of suffering, for this one has decided not to wait any longer and to proceed with deep sedation and with the suspension of life support treatments. He has been waiting for over 2 months and the Asur continues to ignore his request, after holding for 40 days in a drawer an opinion that affirmed the presence of the requisites to legally access assisted suicide “.

“We cannot fail to notice – underline the leaders of the Coscioni Association – also the absolute silence of national politics, engaged in the cover-up in the Senate of the text of the law on aid for suicideafter the Constitutional Court prevented the people from expressing their opinion on the referendum “.

The favorable opinion of the Ethics Committee on the existence of the conditions necessary to proceed with medical aid to voluntary death, incomplete because it lacked the indication of the drug and the methods of administration – it is recalled in the note – had arrived the day after a public appeal by Fabio Ridolfi and after being blocked for 40 days by Asur Marche.

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