Home » Vittorio Veneto, the industrialist Pier Domenico Colomban of Permasteelisa died

Vittorio Veneto, the industrialist Pier Domenico Colomban of Permasteelisa died

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Vittorio Veneto, the industrialist Pier Domenico Colomban of Permasteelisa died

The industrialist Pier Domenico Colomban

Massimo’s brother, manager and former councilor in Rome, he founded the company that today has its headquarters in Vittorio Veneto. He was 75 years old. Farewell on Monday in Parè di Conegliano

VITTORIO VENETO. Pier Domenico Colomban, 75 years old, co-founder with his brother Massimo of Permasteelisa Spa, the construction giant known all over the world, has passed away. Colomban was struck four years ago by a sudden illness, which resulted in paralysis. Admitted to the Ca ‘Foncello hospital, he was later transferred to Casa Fenzi in Conegliano, where he died on Thursday.

Pier Domenico Colomban was a very private person, a true entrepreneur, dedicated to work and family. Born into a family of two sons and three daughters in Santa Lucia di Piave, as a young man he had worked in the window and door sector for about ten years. In 1973, the turning point, with the foundation of Permasteelisa, a company that at the time had started with few employees. But the intuition was unique, brilliant and innovative. The simple idea of ​​inventing new technology in monumental glass architecture has evolved over time, so much so that the group has come to cover the most futuristic constructions of cities and metropolises all over the world.

From a simple artisan company, the company in about fifty years has grown more and more until it reaches about six thousand employees, becoming a multinational construction company, specializing in architectural glass and steel coatings. “He started with his brother Massimo in 1973, in the first headquarters in Corbanese, then moved to San Vendemiano, then with the opening of the offices in Colle Umberto and Vittorio Veneto”, recalls his son Matteo, who continues: “My father was a person reserved and very discreet, she has dedicated her entire life to work, to which she has given all her commitment. He left an indelible memory of himself, proof of this are the messages of condolence, which we are receiving from his managers and collaborators “, concludes the son. Pier Domenico Colomban left his wife Elisabetta, his son Matteo, his brother Massimo, his sisters Carlina, Lucia and Nerina, with all relatives. The funeral will be officiated on Monday at 3.30 pm, in the Beata Vergine Maria di Fatima church in Parè di Conegliano, preceded by the rosary starting at 3 pm. The coffin will be buried in the cemetery of Santa Lucia di Piave.

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