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Falco on Moscow, but without breaking with the EU: Draghi’s third (political) way to the G7

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Falco on Moscow, but without breaking with the EU: Draghi’s third (political) way to the G7

Elmau – The tones make the difference, even at the top of the Bavarian Alps. Those of Mario Draghi they spare nothing in Moscow. They do not hide the fear of retaliation, they are not afraid of mortifying the opponent. “Putin must not win,” said the head of the executive greeting Volodomyr Zelensky video connected with the Elmau G7. It is a barrier that the former banker considers fundamental not only from a military point of view, but from a political and strategic point of view. “If Ukraine loses – he explained during the morning session – all democracies lose. If Ukraine loses, it will be more difficult to argue that democracy is an effective model of government”. Concepts dear above all to Joe Biden, who makes opposition to autocracies the challenge of the new century. And they also serve in a diplomatic key to look for the Washington shore and groped to snatch the price cap on gas.

The G7 towards the final agreement: oil price ceiling, sanctions and anti-aircraft missiles in Kiev

by our correspondent Paolo Mastrolilli

The third way

It is a clear positioning, which places it halfway between some Franco-German hesitation and the Anglo-Saxon phalanx. An approach that manifested itself above all during the trip to Kiev together with Scholz e Macron. It does not mean that Draghi does not believe in the diplomatic solution, rather that he considers it feasible only by putting the Ukrainians in a position to defend themselves on the ground. To reiterate then that “if Ukraine loses, all democracies lose” means translating not only Washington’s line of firmness into politics, but also some slogans of Boris Johnson, standard-bearer of Kiev’s defense at all costs. The ā€œimpossible peaceā€ mentioned by the British premier during the summit of the Seven becomes in the reasoning of the Prime Minister the geostrategic approach necessary to face the turbulence of the coming years. – “We stand united in defense of Ukraine”. Competing with China, therefore, quells Russian expansionism: if the West does not remain compact, this is the premier’s philosophy, he will not be able to convince the emerging giants. And he will lose the confidence of the Asians, who will ask themselves: is it worthwhile to collaborate with the West?

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by our correspondent Paolo Brera

Asse con Biden

Defending Ukraine, as Biden also insists, show that democracies are truly invincible. But to do this, we need to dismantle the reasons of the populists who are besieging the governments in office. Therefore, turning off the expensive energy, which generates inflation and weakens the social stability. Here the most delicate game of Draghi is played. “We must continue to work on how to impose a ceiling on the price of gas”, reiterated the premier in the middle of the morning. He hopes to leave the G7 by putting on paper a result on the gas price cap. It will not be easy. Yet, he hopes for the American side, aware that some European resistances are not yet completely dissolved. There are those who fear retaliation by Moscow, those who are guided by the fear that Putin will immediately turn off the taps to Europe. The energy flows, however, continue to decline. And the missiles to rain on Kiev. “What else has to happen – Draghi does not tire of repeating during each meeting – to take the necessary measures?”.

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