Home » Chen Ailin: Do not relax in thinking, do not relax in style, do not increase in measures, and persevere to build a defense line for epidemic prevention and control_Yongzhou News_Yongzhou Government Network

Chen Ailin: Do not relax in thinking, do not relax in style, do not increase in measures, and persevere to build a defense line for epidemic prevention and control_Yongzhou News_Yongzhou Government Network

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Chen Ailin: Don’t relax in thinking, don’t relax in style, don’t overweight in measures

  • 2022-07-12 09:01
  • source: Yongzhou Daily
  • Publisher:Yongzhou Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau (Government Open Office)
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Yongzhou Daily News (All-media reporter Wu Lin intern Rong Sifei) On the evening of July 11, the city’s new crown pneumonia epidemic prevention and control work teleconference was held. Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Chen Ailin attended the meeting and delivered a speech. He emphasized that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the important requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s “epidemic must be prevented, the economy must be stabilized, and development must be safe”, fully implement the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee, the State Council, the provincial party committee, and the provincial government, and follow the requirements of the municipal party committee. Do a good job in epidemic prevention and control, and do not relax in thinking, style, and measures, and persevere to build a strong defense line for epidemic prevention and control. Shan Zhufei, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over the meeting. Deputy Mayor Xiao Zhibin made specific work arrangements. Ouyang Dequn, former vice chairman of the CPPCC, and Qi Aishe, secretary-general of the municipal government, participated.

Chen Ailin pointed out that in recent days, all departments at all levels in the city have always shouldered the responsibility of epidemic prevention and control, and implemented foreign import prevention measures to ensure the continuous stability of the city’s epidemic prevention and control situation. The majority of epidemic prevention personnel are hard-working and dedicated, and continue to fight on the front line of epidemic prevention, making important contributions to the overall situation of epidemic prevention in the city.

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Chen Ailin emphasized that the current epidemic situation is still severe and complicated, and we must adhere to the general strategy of “foreign defense against imports and internal defense against rebound” and the general policy of “dynamic clearing”, pay close attention to the work of epidemic prevention and control, and resolutely consolidate the hard-won efforts. prevention and control results. Make sure that you are not slack in thinking, always tighten the string of epidemic prevention and control, and resolutely overcome paralysis, war weariness, luck, and relaxation, and consciously guide the implementation of responsibilities with ideology. Make sure that the work style is not slack, resolutely build a strong line of defense against imported imports, continue to rigidly implement normalized epidemic prevention and control measures, continuously improve emergency response capabilities, tighten and compact joint prevention and control responsibilities, and strive to achieve “zero import”. Effectively do not overweight measures, strictly implement the “nine prohibitions” requirements for epidemic prevention and control and the ninth edition of the prevention and control plan, further improve the scientific, accurate, and pertinent prevention and control measures, and resolutely prevent simplification and one-size-fits-all.

Shan Zhufei demanded that he should hold political responsibility firmly in the heart of the “bigger of the country”, and promote the implementation of various work of epidemic prevention and control with the sense of responsibility of “always rest assured”, the spirit of never waiting, and actions that count against every second. It is necessary to strengthen the effectiveness of work in building the “first line of defense”, resolutely plug the loopholes in prevention and control, and firmly guard the various channels into and out of the country. It is necessary to pay close attention to the implementation of “responsibility for protecting the soil”, further consolidate the “quartet responsibility”, and strictly enforce the discipline of epidemic prevention and control to ensure that all epidemic prevention and control measures are fully implemented.

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At the meeting, the ninth edition of the prevention and control plan was studied, and relevant counties and districts made speeches on the new stage of epidemic prevention and control.

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