Home » Does Covid cause Diabetes? What they discovered in Japan and what it means in managing infections

Does Covid cause Diabetes? What they discovered in Japan and what it means in managing infections

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Does Covid cause Diabetes?  What they discovered in Japan and what it means in managing infections

Alarming hypothesis. Maybe Covid causes diabetes. Or rather, there seems to be a link between the two diseases anyway.

We have discovered, in these two years, many “strange” health effects of some who have contract the Covid. And the studies are still ongoing. Today, however, a team of Japanese experts has discovered a link between the virus and diabetes.

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Il Diabetesas we know, it is one chronic disease which causes innumerable problems in those who contract it. There are two forms, Type 1 and Type 2. In the latter, which is the most widespread in the world, there is a reduced ability to manage / produce insulin.

Type 2 diabetes is a highly prevalent disease worldwide and its prevalence is continuously growing

Le causes of onset of Diabetes can be variousbut mostly they are of genetic origin or attributable to one unhealthy lifestyle. If now Covid also increases the chances of manifesting Diabetes, it begins to be a huge problem. Even because diabetes is a very costly social disease.

But who is it that produced this theory? Let’s find out what emerged from a study carried out by Japanese experts.

Does Covid cause Diabetes? What they discovered in Japan and what it means in managing infections

The study carried out by a team of scientists has one side confirmed the theses so far accredited. That is that people with diabetes are at greater risk if they contract the virus. But it seems that the contrarythat is to say some healthy people may develop diabetes after taking Covid.

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The virus appears to trigger “interferences” in insulin sensitivity. Some consequences could be the onset of hyperglycemia and consequently of Diabetes. THE mechanisms according to which Covid could trigger these dynamics they are not very clear still, despite the statements of Iichiro Shimomura, the author of the studyor. Basically, “Covid infection activates the IRF1 gene that encodes the regulatory factor for interferon 1“.

In the studio experts advise therefore of find ways to protect those most at risk. Not only Diabetics already overt, but also people who may have glycemic imbalances. In this way, the prevention – to be implemented with different types of therapies – should be able to reduce the risk of serious consequences of the Covid.

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and concerns scientific studies published in medical journals. Therefore, it does not replace the consultation of a doctor or specialist, and should not be considered for formulating treatments or diagnoses)

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