Home » The Derthona is once again the historic “Fbc” theme lost in 2016

The Derthona is once again the historic “Fbc” theme lost in 2016

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July 2022 will be a historic moment to remember for Derthona fans, like the summer of 2017 when the new company Hsl Derthona was formed, after a year of football void following the bankruptcy of the over 100-year-old Tortona club. The company has in fact received the communication of confirmation from the FIGC, with the acceptance of the request for a change of name in Asd Derthona Fbc 1908, that is the historical name that has characterized Tortona football until 2016. It was necessary to wait for the developments of the bankruptcy procedure to complete this step which effectively closes the circle. As the vice president Andrea Freddo explains, who personally followed all the steps and represents one of those who in 2017 without sponsors put in place popular shareholding for the rebirth of football in Tortona, “it is not the sporting title, that it has already been used by Hsl Derthona for several seasons, but of the denomination, which we took over together with the trophies held by the previous company and which are now back in our full availability. We hope that Tortona will never have to experience situations of this kind again and that management will always remain prudent; in this regard, we have made amendments to the bylaws and in any case always provided for the presence on the board of a representative of the fans. “Hic Sunt Leones” will always remain our motto, of which to be proud and proud, symbol of the rebirth and resumption of the path of football in Tortona ”. The next championship will therefore be the first since 2016 to review the Derthona Fbc 1908 denomination in the separate lists, the news was positively received by both fans and market operators, who are well aware of the historical significance of the bianconeri, long in C over the years Seventies and Eighties. –

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Stefano Brocchetti

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