Home » The Middle Ages festival is back in the land of the Challants

The Middle Ages festival is back in the land of the Challants

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The Middle Ages festival is back in the land of the Challants

Between Verrès, Issogne, Challand-Saint-Anselme and Fenis Falconry shows, games, weapons exhibition and dances


The itinerant medieval festival Middle Ages is back in the land of the Challants. From 23 July to 6 August, meetings, events and parties are scheduled in Verrès, Issogne and Challand Saint-Victor but also – this is the novelty of this year – in Fénis.

“The main aspect is that it is a festival carried out by several municipalities, a sign of sharing of a project that aims to promote our territories” – explains Alessandro Rossi, deputy mayor of Verrès.

Forty groups were called, mainly from Valle d’Aosta and Piedmont, some prestigious, such as the Circolo Falconeria Maestra, which participates in events throughout Italy, even renowned as that of San Gimignano. The festival will open at Issogne castle on Saturday 23 at 6 pm the inauguration of the summer exhibition of Valle d’Aosta craftsmanship “MAV… out of self”. The conference by architect Gabriele Sartorio will follow at 8.30 pm “Between fantasy and reality. Was there ever a medieval Middle Ages? ”. The following day, from 10, the village of Verrès will come alive with a day of re-enactments and the participation of the historical Carnival: falconry shows, games, medieval preparations and crafts, exhibition of weapons, historical dances, itinerant folk music, flag-wavers and even a medieval writing workshop and fencing demonstrations. On Friday 29 and Saturday 30 a similar format will be proposed again in Fénis where at 8.30 pm the conference in Tsantì de Bouva of the historian Elena Corniolo with Alessandro Celi will begin (The mobility of the Alps in the 15th century: the case of the high Savoy prelates) and the following day, medieval day. Sunday 31 July will be the turn of the medieval festival with music, duels and parades in Issogne while on Saturday 6 August it will be up to Challand Saint-Victor to host another medieval day. –

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