Home » A delegation of female envoys in China went to Yunnan to visit the donation project of the “Love Without Borders” International Charity Sale — Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China

A delegation of female envoys in China went to Yunnan to visit the donation project of the “Love Without Borders” International Charity Sale — Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China

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A delegation of female envoys to China went to Yunnan to visit the donation project of the “Love Without Borders” International Charity Sale

From June 7 to 11, 2021, the convener of the “Love Without Borders” International Charity Sale, State Councilor Wang Yi and wife of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ms. Qian Wei, led a delegation of female envoys to China to visit Yunnan. Female ambassadors (representatives), charge d’affaires, wives of ambassadors and senior female diplomats from 21 embassies and representative offices of international organizations in China including Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Guyana, Kenya, and Cape Verde participated in the delegation.

A delegation of female envoys to China visits Yunnan

The Governor of Yunnan Province Wang Yubo met with the delegation and introduced in detail the development achievements of Yunnan Province in economic, social, poverty alleviation, culture, education and other fields under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. He expressed that Yunnan is willing to further strengthen exchanges and cooperation with other countries in the world and share the challenges of poverty alleviation. China plan”. Wang Yubo expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the diplomatic missions in China for their important support to the poverty alleviation cause of Yunnan through the “Love Without Borders” international charity sale.

Governor Wang Yubo met with the delegation

During the 5-day visit, the delegation went to Jinping County, Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan Province to inspect the implementation of the donation project of the “Love Without Borders” International Charity Sale. At the No. 1 Middle School of Jinping County, the delegation inspected the “Sunshine Sports Ground”, had discussions with representatives of the teachers and students, and donated sports equipment to the students; at the rural Mengqiao Primary School, the envoys visited the teaching building of “Love Without Borders” Classrooms, music rooms, art rooms, interact and communicate with ethnic minority students; visit the diagnosis room, pharmacy, and observation room in the remote “Love Without Borders” Kafang Village Clinic, listen to rural medical and health work and the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic Job introduction. During the visit, Ms. Qian Wei met with representatives of envoys, China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation, and representatives of Chinese and foreign companies participating in the “Love Without Borders” international charity sale, and listened to Chinese and foreign opinions and suggestions on the “Love Without Borders” international charity sale. .

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Visit the “Sunshine Sports Field” of Jinping County No. 1 Middle School Sing and dance with the students of Mengqiao Primary School

The envoys participating in the delegation expressed their warm congratulations on the great development achievements of Yunnan Province and praised China’s victory in poverty alleviation as a great contribution to the realization of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. The envoys stated that the “Love Without Borders” international charity sale has been held for 12 years, with its continuous expansion in scale, increasing influence, and increasing number of partners. It has become a gathering of international forces including the missions in China to help China fight poverty and public welfare undertakings. Important brand activities. During this visit, they witnessed with their own eyes that the “Great Love Without Borders” international charity sale project has greatly improved the education and medical conditions in rural Yunnan. They are very proud of contributing to China’s poverty alleviation by participating in this event. Continue to actively support and fully promote rural revitalization and public welfare undertakings as always. The envoys participating in the delegation expressed their warm congratulations to the Communist Party of China for its centennial birthday, and believe that under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the lives of the Chinese people will get better and better, and they will continue to advance toward the great goal of realizing the “Chinese Dream”.

Visit the clinic in Kafang Village, “Love Without Borders” Chinese and foreign forums

Ms. Qian Wei said that under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, China has won an all-round victory in the fight against poverty and created a miracle that shines through the annals of history. The Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government have led the people of Yunnan to work hard, fight poverty and build a well-off society in all respects to achieve decisive achievements. This brings together the support, help and love of international friends, including diplomatic envoys in China. Since 2009, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has held the “Great Love Without Borders” international charity sale every year. It has received strong support and active participation from the missions in China and all sectors of society. The donations raised by the charity sale have promoted education and medical care in Jinping and Malipo counties. And other career development. Many people who give their love and recipients may never meet each other in their lifetime, but their love is connected across thousands of mountains and rivers. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will hold the 13th “Love Without Borders” International Charity Sale in the second half of this year. It is hoped that the diplomatic missions in China and people from all walks of life will continue to support and participate widely, continue to help the revitalization of Jinping and Malipo counties, and continue to support them. China’s public welfare undertakings.

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The “Great Love Without Borders” international charity sale is a public welfare activity organized in the name of the wife of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and widely participated by envoys and wives in China. It aims to gather love from all walks of life at home and abroad and help people in poverty-stricken areas and vulnerable groups improve their lives. For 12 years A total of about 47 million yuan was raised, of which more than 15 million were raised for Jinping and Malipo counties, becoming an important support force for poverty alleviation in the two counties.

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