Home » Sudden flushes | Maximum attention: silent but very dangerous symptom

Sudden flushes | Maximum attention: silent but very dangerous symptom

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Sudden flushes |  Maximum attention: silent but very dangerous symptom

Sudden hot flashes are common in this scorching summer, but they could hide a very serious problem.

Hot flashes (base photo of the wellbeing script screenshot)

Do you suffer from sudden hot flashes? This could be a symptom that hides a very serious problem, let’s find out together what it is.

In these days of scorching heat and mugginess it is perfectly normal to have excessive sweating, the need to hydrate continuously and some sudden hot flashes. People who are forced to stay hours and hours under the sun for work complain of this kind of problem. However Sudden hot flashes can also occur on mild days and where there are no heatstrokes lurking.

Indeed these sudden increases in body temperature they may be hiding a more serious problem and therefore be a symptom of a pathology that we do not imagine. Let’s find out together in detail what it is.

Sudden flashes: beware of the serious problem behind it

Heart (Palermoviva screenshot)

The heart is a muscle that pumps blood into our body. If you suffer from sudden hot flashes, it could be heart failure that could even cause a heart attack in the long run. Arrhythmias and tachycardias are the first symptoms of a malfunction of the heart and can be accompanied by excessive sweating and sudden hot flashes, often mistaken for other pathologies.

This silent but very dangerous symptom it is attributable to heart failure only if it is accompanied by pain in the chest, pain in the left arm, difficulty in breathing and tachycardia. All together these phenomena that suddenly occur in our body could signal us a heart attack in progressfor which immediate medical intervention is required.

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Particular attention therefore will have to do it women who are in menopausesince in this condition one often suffers from hot flashes and which are often attributed to the hormonal situation.

Therefore if you suffer from sudden hot flashes you can consult your doctor to investigate further and rule out serious heart diseases. It will be enough tests such as an ultrasound or an electrocardiogram to verify that there are no malfunctions in place.

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