Home Ā» Many use it daily but only a few really know how to recognize the quality cane sugar that is less bad for health

Many use it daily but only a few really know how to recognize the quality cane sugar that is less bad for health

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Why do many use it daily but only a few really know how to recognize quality cane sugar?
This is one of the most frequently asked questions we ask ourselves when tasting brown sugar. We often choose cane sugar because it hurts less than white sugar.
In reality, you must also pay close attention to its quality otherwise it is just a matter of taste. Let’s see together why.

It’s a question of sugars

White sugar is a sweetener that tends to be addictive and has many repercussions on the body. There are many people who believe that by purchasing cane sugar they can be safe from any health risks.
In fact, the cane sugar we use because it is more natural, is full-fledged sugar and is a refined product just as much as white sugar.

Just like white sugar, cane sugar is also a product subjected to industrial processes that whiten it, make the grains more pleasant and adapt the taste to the needs of the consumer. The difference between the two lies in the molasses: this is the most nutrient-rich part of sugar cane which contributes to the distinctive flavor of cane sugar. However, it is not used in the production of white sugar because it is evaluated as a waste for this sweetener. Also, the difference in color is explained by the fact that some manufacturers use dye to differentiate them.

But which is the least bad for your health?

If you don’t know how to give up the flavor of the dessert, the best choice is organic whole cane sugar.
First of all because it is always sugar but it does not undergo the entire refining process typical of white or cane. Furthermore, it is necessary to carefully read the label of the product we intend to purchase. We have to look for the wording in full whole cane sugar. Then, look carefully at the product. Whole cane sugar has larger grains and different shapes. The color is darker than the dye used for some types of brown sugar which resembles caramel.

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There is also a difference in consistency. In fact, this type of sugar dissolves more slowly and tends to be more humid and sticky. Finally, the flavor is reminiscent of brown sugar, but is less sweet and more intense.
This is why many use it daily but only a few really know how to recognize the quality cane sugar that is less bad for your health.

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