Home » Soccer. Ivrea, the new ones with enthusiasm and clear ideas. Goal the top and move up in the category

Soccer. Ivrea, the new ones with enthusiasm and clear ideas. Goal the top and move up in the category

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Soccer.  Ivrea, the new ones with enthusiasm and clear ideas.  Goal the top and move up in the category

The newly acquired Costa

Cantele, Comentale, Costa and Monteleone introduce themselves: “The city deserves higher stages of the Promotion”


There is already great enthusiasm, especially among the newcomers, at Ivrea. The orange management has redone the backbone of the team, thanks to grafts that combine experience with quality and quantity in every part of the field.

Starting from the goal, among the new faces is Giorgio Cantele, 36 years old from Chivasso, who knows him very well at the Pistoni stadium for having been there, as an opponent, at the time of his militancy in Pavia from 2006 to 2009: “Last year – says the goalkeeper – I was at the Turin of the CBS in Excellence, then thanks to Manuel Talentino, current Under 16 orange coach, my former teammate at Gassinosanraffaele, who reported me to the management, I arrived in this glorious and historic club. Ivrea is a square that, however, I actually know well, since from 2006 to 2009 I faced the team with the Pavia shirt, one year in the then C1 and two years in C2. Then I crossed them a fourth time in Excellence, when I was at the Borgaro and now I’m very excited for this new adventure. We all have the will to make an important championship, from the president Dario Ravera Chion, to the vice president Mirko Maran, general manager Alessandro Provenzano and sporting director Mimmo Foti, all very professional people, it is up to us to do our best in every training session and win more games. possible on Sunday ».

The director Alessandro Comentale, 27 years of Cirié, a player who also played in Lega Pro with Cuneo at 18 and among others, also in the Monza of the current sporting director Filippo Antonelli five years ago does not use many words: « Last year I was at Pianese in Excellence, and I dropped out of the category hoping to be able to get there immediately. The project that the orange management proposed to me is very interesting and, I don’t hide it, we want to win the championship. It is never easy, we know, but we want to do our best to be able to achieve this goal ».

Ivrea has also strengthened in the back pack with the arrival of both the talented defender Xhumaqi Xhelal, from Pianese, and Davide Costa, 24 years old from Druento dal Borgaro, last year in Excellence: “I came to Ivrea – says Costa -, where he will also find the coach of the times of the Pro Settimo Eureka, with the aim of climbing to Excellence. This is the first time for me at the Pistoni, a historic facility and one of the most beautiful in Piedmont ».

In attack came Danny Monteleone, 31 years old from Turin, attacker last season at Pro Villafranca in Promotion and author of eleven goals, before some injury limited him: “I could have scored many more goals, I hadn’t injured myself during the season – says Monteleone – despite everything, however, we managed to win the playoffs in the three rounds and rise to Excellence, the same goal that I set myself when I signed for Ivrea. In my career I did six years of D, three of Excellence and now I am going to play my third year in Promotion and in previous times I first won the championship with Pianese and then, last year, won the playoffs with Pro Villafranca . The city of Ivrea deserves higher stages of the Promotion. With humility and determination we want to try to bring the team back to where it deserves to be ». –

Loris Ponsetto

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