Home » Covid: what is the new lambda variant that WHO spoke about

Covid: what is the new lambda variant that WHO spoke about

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The World Health Organization (WHO) has designated Lambda as a ‘variant of interest’ of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, a strain first detected in Peru in August 2020 and present in several Latin American countries.

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According to the Peruvian authorities cited in the WHO weekly report, 81% of Covid-19 cases diagnosed in the country since last April are associated with the Lambda strain.

The difference between “variant of interest” and “variant of concern”

By declaring it “variants of interest” (in English “variants of interest”, ed), WHO says it is observing its behavior in terms of contagion power, before its eventual inclusion in the category of “variants of concern”, such as Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta.

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Where it was first detected

First detected in August 2020 in Peru, currently 29 countries around the world have reported its presence, particularly in Latin America, including Argentina and Chile. WHO indicates that it is observing the epidemiological behavior of the strain and its “potential increase in transmissibility and resistance to neutralizing antibodies”.

The UN agency has identified the Lambda strain based on the recent decision to attribute Greek letters to designate variants without stigmatizing the countries where they are first detected.

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